Executive Leadership Team

The Executive Leadership Team comprises the Chief Executive Officer and Directors of each of the five Divisions of Council; 'Community, Culture and Places', 'Development and Environment', 'Infrastructure', 'Organisational Performance', and 'Strategy, Partnerships and Engagement'. The current Executive Leadership Team structure is in effect from Monday, 6 June 2022; and provides strong strategic direction and support for key services and priority areas across Council.
Council’s organisational structure enables Council to deliver services effectively to the community aligned with Council’s purpose to make our community a great place to live, work and play.
Areas of responsibility:
- Lead the day-to-day management of Council, exercising functions delegated by Council, ensuring Council staff implement the decisions made by Council, all staffing matters.
- Dubbo Regional Council's Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Plan and Operational Plan.
- Leading a multi-disciplinary team of professionals to deliver high quality services and functions to support the whole of the organisation.
- People, Culture and Safety - industrial relations, human resources services, payroll, work health and safety, injury management and workers compensation.
Areas of responsibility:
- Community Services - Social services, youth development, aboriginal liaison, aged and disability, childcare services.
- Macquarie Regional Library Services - Regional library management including two neighbouring councils’ services, Dubbo Regional Council library management.
- Recreation and Open Space - Strategic planning for recreation, open space and the urban forest, asset and contract management, sporting groups liaison, aquatic facilities.
- Regional Events - Attraction of cultural, sporting and business events, event support programs and funding, Dubbo and Wellington Showgrounds, Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre, Wellington Civic Centre.
- Regional Experiences - Heritage and tourism experiences, cultural development services, Old Dubbo Gaol, Western Plains Cultural Centre, Wellington Caves and Caravan Park, Wiradjuri Tourism Centre.
Areas of responsibility:
- Growth Planning - Smart cities strategy, contribution plans and voluntary planning agreements, demographic data management, strategic land use planning.
- Energy and Waste - Domestic, commercial and green waste, landfill and transfer station management, environmental education, environmental policy and planning – energy, recycling and container deposit scheme.
- Building and Development - Duty planners and building surveyors, development control, building and construction certification and inspections, geographical names management.
- Environmental Control - Illegal dumping and pollution, incidents and contaminated land, swimming pool compliance, human health services, compliance and enforcement, ranger services and animal shelter.
Areas of responsibility:
- Infrastructure Strategy and Design - Infrastructure design and advisory services, traffic management, development and subdivision engineering, stormwater drainage and flood mitigation.
- Infrastructure Delivery - Civil infrastructure construction, reconstruction and maintenance, reinstatements, and private works.
- Water Supply and Sewerage - Water supply, trade waste, capital works, sewerage services, compliance, asset management.
- Fleet and Depot Services - Fleet management, depot management, central supplies.
- BILT (Building Infrastructure Leadership Team) - Major capital works program and delivery, project management services.
- Greenspace Operations - Park and reserves maintenance, public tree maintenance and renewal, sporting facility maintenance, community land, noxious weeds regulation and management.
Areas of responsibility:
- Financial Operations - Management accounting, accounts receivable, accounts payable, statutory reporting, corporate asset management and names and address register.
- Procurement - Tender coordination and centre-led supply and purchasing.
- Building Assets - Management of Council’s corporate building assets, leasing and licenses, cleaning.
- Property and Land Development - Councils residential and industrial land development, sale and purchase of property, crown land management.
- Governance and Internal Control - Governance administration, councillor support, internal audit, external complaints, enterprise risk, emergency management.
- Dubbo Regional Airport - Dubbo Regional Airport and Bodangora Recreation Park and Airstrip, airport services, airport precinct management.
- Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets - Asset management, compliance, stakeholder management.
Jessica Brown
Areas of responsibility:
- Economic Development - Investment and business attraction, visitor information services, new resident attraction activities, visitor economy growth, Central Business District activation.
- Marketing and Creative Services - Destination marketing, digital communications, graphic design, corporate and destination branding.
- Customer Experience & Engagement - Community engagement, Dubbo and Wellington Customers Experience Centres.
- Information Management - Information and communications technology provision and infrastructure, geographical information systems, corporate information.
- Corporate Communication - Media management, internal communication services.
- Integrated Planning and Reporting - Integrated planning and corporate strategic plan.
- Business Improvement - Service review program, continuous improvement initiatives, grants management.
Last Edited: 23 Oct 2024