Road and Footpath Maintenance

Dubbo Regional Council maintains 1,520 km of sealed and 1,356 km of unsealed local roads.
There are three categories of roads in New South Wales: State, Regional and Local roads. Each is the responsibility of, and funded by, varying government agencies.
Major arterial links through the State. Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is responsible for their upkeep, this includes the Newell, Mitchell and Golden highways and Goolma Road.
Dubbo Regional Council has a contract with TfNSW, wherein they maintain portions of the State roads in Local Government Area (LGA). The sections of the State roads maintained by Council are as follows, and are referencing on this map; RMCC Contract Roads Dubbo Regional Council (PDF 967.9KB)
- Mitchell Highway (HW7) - urban zones only in Dubbo, Geurie and Wellington - within the 50/60/70 km/h speed limits (see map)
- Newell Highway (HW17) - urban zone only - within the 60 km speed limit (see map)
- Golden Highway (HW27) - urban and rural zones - from the intersection with Bourke Street to the LGA Boundary at Sandy Creek (see map)
- Goolma Road (MR633) - rural zone - from the intersection with Mitchell Highway, Wellington to the LGA Boundary, south of Goolma (see map)
If you have feedback concerning State roads please contact the Transport Management Centre on 131 700 or submit an online form at TfNSW's dedicated webpage; Feedback Form
Secondary roads are between State roads and Local roads. Council is responsible for funding, determining priorities and carrying out works. Dubbo Regional Council receives assistance from the NSW State Government to support their upkeep.
Secondary roads Council maintains within the LGA include:
Renshaw-McGirr Way
- Saxa Road
- Eumungerie Road
- Burrendong Way
- Muronbung Road
- Gollan Road
- Mendooran Road
- Thompson Street
Provide local circulation and access. Council is responsible for funding, determining priorities and carrying out works. Council maintain all local and rural roads within the LGA. Local urban roads are in the urban zone, up to the 60 km speed limit. A local rural road is in the rural zone up to 100 km/h.
If you would like to report road damage/issues to Dubbo Regional Council a report can be submitted through DRC&ME, access the portal; DRC&ME Portal. Simply log in and click on the 'Roads & Footpaths' tile.
Council crews have been busy patching potholes and welcomes the community’s assistance in locating any that have emerged recently.
Council can only be held liable when it is aware of a defect or hazard and does not take action to rectify the situation.
If you would like to report a pothole and/or other road damage you can submit your report through DRC&ME, access the portal here; DRC&ME Portal. Simply log in and click on the 'Roads & Footpaths' tile.
Council as a roads authority, is entitled to immunity under the Civil Liability Act 2002 for defects in the road for which they have no actual knowledge. In particular, Council relies on the immunity provisions pursuant to S45 (1) of the aforementioned Act:
45 Special non-feasance protection for roads authority
A roads authority is not liable for civil liability to which this Part applies for harm arising from a failure for the authority to carry out road work, or to consider carrying out road work, unless at the time of the alleged failure the authority had actual knowledge of the particular risk the materialisation of which resulted in the harm.
If you wish to submit a claim against Dubbo Regional Council, please view Council's dedicated webpage Claim Against Council for more information.
Council will investigate pothole damage. If it is an urgent safety issue, the area will be made safe as soon as possible. Work will be prioritised according to safety, other considerations and then scheduled in accordance with the availability of staffing resources.
State roads, including the Newell, Mitchell and Golden highways, are owned and managed by TfNSW. If you have feedback concerning State roads please contact the Transport Management Centre on 131 700 or submit an online form at TfNSW's dedicated webpage Feedback Form
Dubbo Regional Council maintains 122.57 km of paved footpaths. Council repairs public footpaths that are a trip hazard.
Telstra is responsible for repairs to Telstra pits on footpaths. If you notice a trip hazard caused by a Telstra pit, contact Telstra on 13 22 03 or please complete Telstra’s online form Report Damage to Telstra Equipment
If you would like to report footpath damage to Dubbo Regional Council, a report can be submitted through DRC&ME, access the portal here; DRC&ME Portal. Simply log in and click on the 'Roads & Footpaths' tile.
Last Edited: 06 May 2024