A-Z Council Policies


All Council Policies once reviewed will be made available for download once they are adopted by Council. For more information on any of these Policies, or if you would like a copy of any of the existing Policies, please contact Council’s Corporate Governance Branch on (02) 6801 4000.

Anti Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (pdf 404.5KB)
Council's Policy on Anti Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity. Dubbo Regional Council aims to provide an environment where workers and others in the workplace are treated fairly and with respect, and are free from unlawful discrimination, harassment, vilification and victimisation.
Applications and Enquiries Relating to Events Including Protests, Demonstrations and Special Events on the Road Network (pdf 1MB)
This policy provides guidance to Council staff and members of the public regarding the requirements to conduct an event on public roads in the Dubbo Regional Council local government area. This policy also touches on the requirements to book facilities such as parks, ovals or other open space areas when held in conjunction with a road based special event.
Aquatic Leisure Centres - Usage (pdf 139.7KB)
This policy determines a set level of hierarchy of access to the Dubbo Regional Council Aquatic Leisure Centres for all uses, and to protect the integrity of the 'aquatic industry business' that is being conducted by Dubbo Regional Council at their Aquatic Leisure Centres.
Asbestos Dubbo Regional Council (pdf 780.1KB)
The policy provides information for council workers, the local community and wider public. Part 1 of the policy includes the sections that are likely to be of most interest to the local community and wider public. Part 2 is information that applies to workers associated with council including employees, contractors, consultants, and volunteers (as defined by the NSW Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011).
Asset Management (pdf 118.3KB)
The Asset Management Policy ensures that Dubbo Regional Council develops and maintains appropriate systems, processes, organisational structure, resources (both financial and human) and organisational commitment (culture), to deliver a consistent and sustainable level of services delivery in line with community expectation.
Bitumen Sealing of Council Roads (pdf 132KB)
To provide clarity on the proposed extension of the bitumen sealed network within the region. 1. To define criteria for the provision of bitumen seals on urban and rural gravel roads where adjoining property owners request some action to reduce or remove the nuisance of dust, or improve conditions beyond approved service levels, adjacent to their property.
Child Safe Standards (pdf 776.7KB)
The policy informs Councillors, employees, contractors and volunteers of their obligations in keeping children safe.
Code of Conduct (pdf 388.3KB)
The Code of Conduct sets the minimum standards of conduct for Council officials. It is prescribed by regulation to assist Council officials to: • understand and comply with the standards of conduct that are expected of them • enable them to fulfil their statutory duty to act honestly and exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence (section 439) • act in a way that enhances public confidence in local government.
Code of Conduct - Procedures for Administration of the Dubbo Regional Council (pdf 351.9KB)
These procedures ("the Model Code Procedures" )are prescribed for the administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW ("the Model Code of Conduct").
Code of Meeting Practice (pdf 381KB)
A Council and a Committee of the Council of which all the members are Councillors must conduct its meetings in accordance with the Code of Meeting Practice adopted by the Council. Dubbo Regional Council's Code of Meeting Practice sets the rules and regulations for the conduct of Council meetings.
Collective Impact for Social Change (pdf 185.5KB)
The purpose of this policy is to define how Council shall work together with community, government and the Non-Government Organisations (NGO) sector to deliver transformative outcomes for communities that have high levels of incarceration within the criminal justice system and in particular the over representation of Aboriginal people, high rates of drug and alcohol addiction, high levels of unemployment and other areas of over representation in measures of social disadvantage.
Complaints Management Policy (pdf 902.6KB)
This policy outlines Council’s approach for responding to complaints in a timely, consistent and structured manner. Council values customer feedback and complaints are an effective learning resource for Council.
Contaminated Land Policy (pdf 585KB)
The Policy will apply to all land with respect to the investigation and remediation of land contamination in relation to making planning decisions, keeping and providing relevant information and the monitoring of remediation.
Corporate Image Policy (pdf 334.4KB)
Dubbo Regional Council has a clear Corporate Brand that is recognisable and presents Council as a professional, credible and progressive organisation. This policy aims to protect the image and reputation of the Organisation by clearly defining how the Corporate Brand can be used and establishing the framework which governs activities which ensure the organisation is professionally presented in a unified, consistent and positive manner
Council Related Development Application - Conflict Of Interest Policy (pdf 209.4KB)
This policy aims to manage potential conflicts of interest and increase transparency at all stages of the development process for Council-related development.
Councillor and Staff Interaction (pdf 881.6KB)
This policy provides direction on interactions between Councillors and staff to assist both parties in carrying out their day-to-day duties professionally, ethically and respectfully.
COVID-19 Rates Financial Assistance (pdf 252.6KB)
The purpose of this COVID-19 Rates Financial Assistance Policy is to provide an adopted framework detailing the Rate payment options and assistance available to Ratepayers if they are currently experiencing financial hardship due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This Policy provides assistance with Rate payments only and does not refer to any other debt or Fees/Charges payable to Council.
Dealing with Development Applications for Councillors and Employees (pdf 142.4KB)
This policy is to provide a transparent protocol for the determination of development applications lodged by Councillors, Council employees or family members thereof.
Debt Recovery and Financial Hardship Policy (pdf 351.8KB)
Council has a responsibility to maintain effective control over debts owed to Council including rates, charges, interest and fees. This policy defines the principles and guidelines that will apply to the recovery of unpaid Rates and Charges and unpaid sundry debtor accounts.
Debt Recovery and Financial Hardship Policy Application Form (pdf 54.2KB)
The application form for residents experiencing financial hardship, inline with Council's Debt Recovery and Financial Hardship Policy.
Deferred Payment of Developer Contributions for Residential Subdivision in Dubbo (pdf 229.6KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to specify the procedure for the deferred payment of developer contributions under Section 94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 and under Section 64 of the Local Government Act, 1993 for the subdivision of land zoned residential in Dubbo only.
Financial Assistance Policy (pdf 695.8KB)
This policy ensures Council adheres to ICAC and Department of Local Government probity issues and also ensures applicants are provided optimal opportunity to seek assistance through the most appropriate channels.
Flooding in Geurie (pdf 585.2KB)
Flooding of land is a natural event. this policy provides specific requirements for development on land classified by Council as flood prone land. This policy provides information to residents and prospective developers where properties are likely to be impacted by flood waters and steps that can be undertaken to mitigate the risk of flooding.
Food Act Compliance and Enforcement Policy (pdf 150.1KB)
This policy provides transparency to consumers and industry on how the council will promote compliance and make decisions on enforcement action.
Fraud and Corruption Prevention (pdf 309KB)
Dubbo Regional Council is committed to a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to fraudulent and corrupt behaviour, and seeks to minimise the incidence of fraud by implementing and regularly reviewing a range of strategies that aim to prevent, detect and respond to such behaviour. This policy applies to everyone who has any interaction with Council or Council staff to the maximum extent that Council has the authority to require it.
Greywater Recycled Water Reuse Policy (pdf 194KB)
This Policy is to integrate the regulatory requirements for greywater and recycled water management.
Incomplete and Inadequate Development Application Management (pdf 130.5KB)
This policy aims to facilitate the efficient assessment of all applications for development under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, by communicating how Council will manage applications.
Injured Companion Animals not in Council's Care/Impound (pdf 107.8KB)
This policy will detail the circumstances where Council will respond to incidents of injured, stray companion animals and provide veterinary treatment at Council's cost to prevent unnecessary pain and suffering to the animal.
Investment - March 2024 (PDF 1.1MB)
The Policy provides a framework for the optimum investment of Council's funds.
Investment Strategy - March 2024 (PDF 253.1KB)
The annual Investment Strategy sets out Council's investment goals and targets for the coming year.
Keeping of Birds and Erection of Bird Enclosures and Pigeon Lofts Policy (pdf 147.7KB)
The purpose of this policy is to provide general guidelines for the keeping of birds and clear criteria for the assessment of any applications for the erection of bird enclosures or pigeon lofts that do not require development consent from Council.
Legionella Management (pdf 291.9KB)
The purpose of the Legionella Management Policy is to minimise the risk of transmissions of Legionellosis (Legionnaires Disease) from the built environment to susceptible hosts.
Liquid Trade Waste (pdf 1.2MB)
This policy sets out how Dubbo Regional Council will regulate sewerage and trade waste discharges to its sewerage system in accordance with the NSW Framework for Regulation of Sewerage and Trade Waste
Maintenance of Nature Strips and Laneways (pdf 470.8KB)
To outline the respective responsibilities of Dubbo Regional Council (Council) and residents in relation to the mowing of nature strips and laneways in order to provide a safe, functional and aesthetically pleasing streetscape.
Management of Feral/Infant Companion Animals Policy (pdf 118.6KB)
To manage the high numbers of feral and infant companion animals that come into the care of Council in a timely manner by permitting euthanasia where there are no alternative options.
Media Policy (pdf 181.1KB)
The purpose of Council’s Media Policy is to provide a framework to ensure a co-ordinated, consistent and accurate approach to managing media relations to enhance the region’s reputation while mitigating the associated risks.
Mobile Food Vendor Policy (pdf 239KB)
The purpose of the Mobile Food Vendor Policy is to provide a clear and concise Policy for the management of all Mobile Food Vendor Vehicles operating or intending to operate within the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area (LGA).
Outdoor Dining Policy (pdf 4MB)
This policy provides guidance for cafes and food premises and assists food premises (Operators) in obtaining approvals for outdoor dining.
Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities for the Mayor and Councillors (pdf 845.7KB)
This policy enables the reasonable and appropriate reimbursement of expenses and provision of facilities to councillors to help them undertake their civic duties.
Petitions Policy (pdf 823.5KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to determine a consistent approach to the accepting and consideration of petitions received by Council from members of the public.
Planning Proposal (pdf 271.6KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to provide guidance to landowners, developers and the community on the application of Council’s three-tiered fee structure for the assessment of a planning proposal request.
Prevention of Workplace Bullying Policy and Procedure (pdf 368.8KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to set out Dubbo Regional Council’s position on workplace bullying and to document the process which is to be followed should any instances of workplace bullying be reported.
Privacy Management Plan (pdf 304.8KB)
The object of the Dubbo Regional Council’s Privacy Management Plan is to inform the community about how their personal information will be used, stored and accessed after it is collected by the Council. It also serves to inform Council staff of their obligations in relation to handling personal information when they can and cannot disclose, use or collect it. The Privacy Management Plan is prepared in accordance with The Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (the “PPIPA”) which requires all Councils to prepare a Privacy Management Plan outlining their policies and practices to ensure compliance with the requirements of that Act and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (the HRIPA).
Procurement Policy (pdf 783.2KB)
The purpose of the policy is to define the overarching procurement principles to be followed in all procurement activities undertaken by Council.
Public Interest Disclosures and Internal Reporting Policy (pdf 383.6KB)
Council's policy on Public Interest Disclosures and Internal reporting.
Public Memorials and Donation of Park Furniture and Tree Policy (pdf 787.4KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to establish a framework and process path for members of the public to make donations of park furniture, trees and install suitably sized memorial plaques to recognise prominent people from our community of family members.
Public Tree Removal - Amenity Valuation (pdf 880.6KB)
The implementation of the Amenity Valuation of Public Trees will assist in the protection of public trees through the establishment of a value for trees which have requested to be removed by Developers, or by members of the public.
Related Party Disclosures (pdf 297.5KB)
This policy is to define the parameters for Related Party Transactions and the level of disclosure and reporting required for Council to achieve compliance with the Australian Accounting Standard AASB 124 - Related Party Disclosures.
Risk Management (pdf 152.2KB)
This policy will ensure that the management of risk is seen as good business sense and provide a way to confidently know which risks to take for the benefit of a greater opportunity, which risks to avoid in order to prevent significant impact on the organisation and managing the outcomes for success in order to achieve the organisation's key objectives.
Sewage and Trade Waste Discharge Factor (pdf 927.4KB)
The aim of this Policy is to provide a method for calculating the quantity of sewage and of trade waste discharged to the sewerage system from residential and non-residential customers where the quantities of sewage cannot be directly measured.
Social Media (pdf 810.1KB)
This Social Media policy is based on the Model Social Media policy published by the Office of Local Government (OLG). The Model Social Media policy provides councils with a robust framework for the administration and management of their social media platforms. It also sets standards of conduct for all council officials and Councillors who use social media in their official capacity.
Use of Council Common Seal (pdf 651.2KB)
This policy sets out the situations in which the Common Seal of the Council is required, and how the seal is to be used.
Water Supply Services (pdf 1.7MB)
This policy aids Council and its customers in the development and management of the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area (LGA) Water Supply Schemes.
Writing Off Rates and Charges and Debts (pdf 298.9KB)
This policy defines the set amount where any debt above the amount delegated to the Chief Executive Officer may only be written off by Council resolution.

Last Edited: 13 Mar 2025

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