Road Infrastructure Works Schedule

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Dubbo Regional Council is responsible for 1,520 km of sealed and 1,356km of unsealed roads. Across these roads Council is responsible for funding, determining priorities and carrying out works. Council maintain all the local and rural roads within the local government area, for more information on Council maintained roads visit our dedicated webpage Road and Footpath Maintenance

This page will show community members the upcoming works scheduled by Councils Infrastructure and Delivery team.

The works are planned works but are subject to change without notice. Please be mindful of speed restrictions and temporary lane closures while works are underway to keep all road users and workers safe. Adverse weather can delay any scheduled works. 

The page will be updated on a fortnightly basis on a Wednesday, following the meeting of the Infrastructure Delivery team. 


This fortnight of works Tuesday, 25th February 2025 to Monday, 10th March 2025 may change without notice due to weather conditions or emergencies.

  • Maintenance Grading – Dubbo area - Lambar Road, Buckhobble Road, Warrie Road, Angle Road, Belowrie Road, Cumboogle Road, Belmont Road, Nubingerie Road, Lagoon Creek Road, Goan Creek Road, 
  • Maintenance Grading – Wellington area - Cashel's Lane, Avoca Road, Spring Creek Road, Cohen Street Stuart Town, Wollaroi Road, Canobola Road, Chandler's Loop, Little River Road, Hermitage Road.
  • Construction Work - Dubbo area - Tar Patching - Various Dubbo Streets & Rural roads, Elizabeth Street Stormwater works, Comobella Bridge detour road, Bourke Street Shoulder repairs, 
  • Construction Work - Wellington area - Tar Patching (Wellington streets, Burrendong Way, Arthurville Road, Zais Lane, Suntop Road, Geurie Village, Gollan Road, Saxa Road, Forrestvale Road), Burrendong Way Curves (Safer Roads Project), Burrendong Bridge No.1 approaches, Ballimore Road Rehab, Stage 2.


The following are recently completed works in 2025 

  • Burrendong Way Curves (Rehab) some locations, Wellington
  • Darling & Tamworth Street Roundabout Rehabilitation works

FAQs - How do I know if works with have changes to traffic or road closures?

Dubbo Regional Council keep up to date information on all road closures on our website and on the Live Traffic NSW website.

To find out more about road closures and changes visit Council's dedicated webpage; Road Closures 

FAQs - Why do emergencies affect the works schedule?

Dubbo Regional Council play a role in natural disaster and emergencies, which means staff can be re-tasked to assist with works that need to occur. Staff working on the roads are usually those same staff that are tasked to emergency situations. As a result of this, works on the scheduled list are placed on hold until the emergency is finalised.

Reporting Damage: Should you wish to report damage on our roads, please visit DRC&Me or contact our Customer Experience Team on 6801 4000.

Last Edited: 27 Feb 2025

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