Food Business Responsibilities

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Are you looking to start a food business?

New food business operators are encouraged to discuss any new proposals with Council Environment and Health Officers to ensure compliance with the relevant Food Standards Codes and Food Regulations before commencing any work.

In most cases a new food business will require a Development Application we suggest that new business operators discuss their plans with the Duty Planner that is available after 1pm each day at the Council Offices or call 6801 4000.

If the food being produced is for Wholesale purposes, you must also notify and register with the NSW Food Authority.

Follow the below three steps to ensure your food business meets all relevant food premise requirements.



a) Retail Food Premises

Cafes, restaurants, takeaways, canteens, childcare centres, bars hotels and motels are all retail food premises and must register with Council and comply with the relevant Food Standards Codes and Food Regulations.

Register using this form Food Premises Proprietor Notification (PDF 2MB). For more information visit NSW Food Authority.

For information regarding  the construction requirements of a commercial kitchen please download the Food Premises Design, construction and fit out guide

b) Mobile Food Vendors

Mobile Food Vendor is any means of transport whether self-propelled or not or otherwise designed to be movable from place to place and which is selling food. Examples are coffee carts/vans, soft serve ice cream vans, hot dog stands.

A mobile food vendor must not trade on public roads, within 100 metres of a similar business and can only be in the one location for a period of 20 minutes maximum or operate from organised events.

Depending on where and when you intend to operate your mobile food van, a local approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 may also be required prior to commencing operation. Register using this form Approval to Sell Food (PDF 1.4MB).

Council requires you to abide by “Guidelines for Mobile Food Vendors”. Download the guidelines; Mobile Food Vending Guidelines

c) Temporary Food Stalls

Temporary food stalls are food stalls that are selling food at organised events such as markets, show, fetes, festivals etc.

If your home base is in the Dubbo Regional Council area you need to be registered with Council. Register using this form; Temporary Food Premise Registration (PDF 260KB)

If you are not based in the Dubbo regional Council area you need to notify Council that you are trading in our area. Register using this form Temporary Food Premise Notification (PDF 1.3MB)

Council requires you to abide by “Guidelines for Temporary Food Stalls”. Download the guidelines; Temporary Events Guidelines

d) Homebased Food Businesses

Homebased food businesses are where people prepare food products for retail sale, or catering services in their home kitchen.  Many people that have Temporary Food Stalls actually prepare the food at their home. 

To ensure that the food is being produced in line with current food regulations all homebased business must be registered with Council. Register using this form Home Based Food Premises Registration    (PDF 260KB)

Council officers will evaluate the risk associated with the food being prepared and may determine that an inspection of the homebased kitchen is required. 

For more information on Homebased Food Businesses visit NSW Food Authority.



A new Food Safety Supervisor Guideline is now available to view, which includes changes that may impact your business. Food laws in NSW require the majority of food businesses to appoint at least one trained Food Safety Supervisor (FSS).

A Food Safety Supervisor is a person who:

  • is trained to recognise and prevent risk associated with food handling in a retail food business
  • holds a current FSS certificate (no more than five years old)
  • is not an FSS for any other food premise or mobile catering business, and
  • can train and supervise other people in the business about safe food handling practices

For more information on Food Safety Supervisors visit NSW Food Authority.



Dubbo Regional Council is providing free online Food Handling training for anyone that works on the food industry. Dubbo Regional Council offers this free training to encourage food premises owners to get all their employees to participate. Visit I’m Alert Food Handling training.

Food Allergies are now a part of everyday life for many people in our community. Everyone from the manager through to the food preparation and food service staff need to be aware of the risks food allergies pose and the importance of being clear on how to identify and manage them.

Dubbo Regional Council encourages anyone in the food industry to complete this free Food Allergy training available from the National Allergy Strategy


Home delivery essentially means the delivery of meals from a food business to the customer’s home. Meals that are of most concern are ones that could become contaminated or spoiled in their journey from where they are made, and includes high risk foods. Food business owners have a responsibility to ensure any food transport service keeps food safe despite unexpected events including delivery vehicle break down or a traffic accident.

An inspection and assessment of the delivery vehicles’ interior is expected to be conducted by the business owner prior to engaging the particular service provider.

Actions for home delivery drivers

  • Do not interfere, tamper or open the containers within which the meal is delivered.
  • Maintain the vehicle’s interior in a clean and sanitary state. If a motorbike or scooter is used then ensure the container storing the food is kept in a clean and sanitary state.
  • Only leave food at the customer’s home unattended if prior arrangements have been made.
  • Keep the delivery time as short as practicable. Aim for maximum of half an hour.
  • Meals should be maintained as hot as possible through an insulated pouch or food esky, or other suitable way. If using pouch/bag keep flap closed.
  • If delivering cold perishable food Ice packs should be used to keep food under 5 °C.

The above information is provided as a guide only and does not cover every food delivery situation.

For further information please contact Council’s Environmental Health Officers on 6801 4000 or email

Last Edited: 13 Mar 2025

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