Village and Rural Waste

The village and rural waste transfer stations are provided for the use of local residents who do not have a three-bin or two-bin collection service. These Rural Transfer Stations are cashless as of 1 July 2024; all cards including our MyDubbo Region Shopping Card are accepted with no additional surcharges from Dubbo Regional Council.
There are five stations; located in Ballimore, Eumungerie, Geurie, Stuart Town, and Toongi. Stations operating on scheduled hours will not be opened on Good Friday or Christmas Day.
Opening Hours and Locations
Ballimore Transfer Station
Lot 124 Golden Highway, Ballimore
Sunday 10am to 4pm
Tuesday 1pm to 4pm
Eumungerie Transfer Station
Lot 7010 Kingsley Road, Eumungerie
Sunday 1.30pm to 4pm
Wednesday 1.30pm to 4pm
Geurie Transfer Station
214 Comobella Road, Geurie
Sunday 10am to 4pm
Thursday 1pm to 4pm
Stuart Town Transfer Station
83 Mookerawa Road, Stuart Town
Saturday 10am to 4pm
Tuesday 1pm to 4pm
Toongi Transfer Station
Toongi Road, Toongi
Sunday 9.30am to 12pm
Wednesday 9.30am to 12pm
Guidelines for Entry
- The transfer stations are provided for the use of local residents and identification checks will be conducted
- Loads in excess of 1 cubic metre are not accepted at any Rural Waste Transfer Station
- Bike and Car tyres are accepted, not other tyres are accepted at any Rural Waste Transfer Station
- Appropriate enclosed footwear is worn at all times ie: no thongs
- You must comply with any lawful direction of the site supervisor; refusal is an offence
- Alcohol is prohibited
- Riding on the back of any vehicle is forbidden
- A 10km speed limit applies at all times
- Children must be under adult supervision at all times
- No scavenging (this includes searching amongst discarded material for the intention to reuse). Minimum penalty is $600
- All dogs must be on a leash or kept in the vehicle at all times
- Car parts are not to be removed from dumped vehicles
- It is an offence to place rubbish inside car bodies
- All loads must be covered; uncovered loads will be refused entry or a penalty of $650 may be imposed
- Tipping vehicles are required to separate their load
Please separate all loads into the following:
- Metal Steel, steel frames & chairs, tanks, drums, bikes, wire & netting (posts to be removed), fridges etc excluding timber, household rubbish, brick and rocks
- Household General household rubbish
- Hardfill Bricks, concrete, timber, beds, furniture, dirt etc.
Permitted Items
These facilities are available to accept low quantity residential waste only; loads in excess of 1 cubic metre, such as large or enclosed trailers, trucks and commercial or industrial waste are not accepted at any Rural Waste Transfer Station.
Fees and Charges
The cost for visiting a waste facility differs depending on how much rubbish you have, and what you're disposing. Council's Fees and Charges available at Integrated Planning and Reporting show all costs that can be charged at waste facilities. These Rural Transfer Stations are cashless as of 1 July 2024; all cards including our MyDubbo Region Shopping Card are accepted with no additional surcharges from Dubbo Regional Council.
You may wish to pre-determine the price you will pay before visiting a centre, however Council advises that staff of waste facilities will have final say on the classifications of products you are presenting with.
Outlined below are the disposal costs for accepted items. Please note, not all waste items are available to be disposed of at all stations.
- Mixed Waste (all stations)
- $12.50 - Car or equivalent - sorted recycling and mixed waste
- $17.50 - Car or equivalent - mixed waste
- $27.50 - Sorted recycling and mixed waste - up to 1 cubic metre
- $39.00 - Unsorted mixed waste - up to 1 cubic metre
- Green waste - clean with no traces of mixed waste (Ballimore, Geurie and Stuart Town stations only)
- $22.50 - Utility or small trailer - up to 1 cubic metre
- Tyres (all stations)
- $8.25 each - All bike tyres
- $12.50 each - Car tyres
- $13.75 each - Additional charge - any tyre on a rim
- Mattresses (all stations)
- $15.00 - Single bed - per mattress
- $27.50 - Double bed and larger - per mattress
- Bulky domestic furniture (all stations)
The disposal of the following recyclable items where segregated on delivery are free:
- Scrap metal (Ballimore, Geurie and Stuart Town stations only)
- Whitegoods, degassed (Ballimore, Geurie and Stuart Town stations only)
- DrumMuster Drums, empty and rinsed clean (Geurie station only)
- Old TV's and other domestic e-waste, household quantities only (Geurie station only)
- Used motor oil, household quantities only (Ballimore, Geurie and Stuart Town stations only)
- Domestic mixed recycling - paper/cardboard, steel, plastic, aluminium, glass containers (all stations)
Tipping Vouchers
Dubbo Regional Council provides rural residents with 52 disposals at a Council waste facility under a Tipping Voucher scheme, with applicable terms and conditions. Find out more at Council's dedicated webpage Tipping Vouchers.
Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping is the unlawful deposit of waste, larger than litter, onto land or into water. It includes waste materials that have been dumped, tipped or otherwise deposited onto private or public land where no licence or approval exists to accept such waste. Illegal dumping at one of Council's waste facilities can be reported through Council's webpage Rangers, Compliance and Animals which features information on illegal dumping and pollution.
Last Edited: 18 Mar 2025