Infrastructure Contributions
Council levies developer contributions under Section 7.11 (formerly Section 94) and Section 7.12 (formerly Section 94A) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and Section 64 of the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act).
Developer contributions are essential to Council's delivery of new infrastructure and to maintain existing infrastructure. Developer contributions allow the impacts of development to be offset and to also provide access to facilities and services that support the high quality of life that residents in the Dubbo Regional Council LGA currently enjoy.
Developer contributions are a payment made by a developer and are imposed as a condition of development consent or complying development which can be satisfied by dedication of land, a monetary contribution, a material public benefit or a combination of some or all of the above.
A copy of the current developer contributions rates can be downloaded from
Integrated Planning and Reporting.
Contributions Plans - Former Dubbo City Council Local Government Area
Section 7.11 (formerly Section 94) Developer Contributions Plans
The Plan provides for Council to levy contributions on new development where there is an increase in density or activity as a result of a development. The Plan allows Council to levy contributions to offset the impacts associated with new developments.
Contributions are levied for the provision of the following public facilities and infrastructure:
- Road upgrading and improvement
- Traffic management facilities
- Car parking.
The Plan provides for Council to levy contributions on residential or other associated development where there is an increase in density and/or additional lots that can be developed for residential housing.
Contributions collected by Council go towards the provision of new open space, sporting fields and playgrounds in the City.
The Plan provides for Council to levy contributions for development where there is an increase in density and/or a resultant increase in impervious area. The Plan collects contributions based on individual stormwater drainage catchments. Depending on the location and characteristics of each catchment, this may include the levying of contributions on a per hectare basis or on a per lot basis.
The contributions are levied to assist Council to fund stormwater infrastructure augmentation/distribution and increased demand for public works and facilities generated from development. In August 2019, Dubbo Regional Council amended this Plan to remove the Catchment 3.1 Keswick Basin. This Catchment is now known as the South-East Stormwater Drainage Catchment and is levied in the Section 7.11 Contributions Plan for Dubbo South-East Stormwater Drainage Headworks 2019 (see below)
The Plan makes provision for Council to levy contributions for development within the South-East Stormwater Drainage Catchment which will contribute to the collective demand for stormwater drainage infrastructure in the area. The Plan levies contributions based on individual stormwater drainage catchments and the required stormwater infrastructure to meet increased stormwater demand. As such, each individual catchment has an appropriate contribution rate which will be levied on a per square meter basis.
The contributions are levied to assist Council to fund stormwater infrastructure augmentation/ distributions and increased demand for public works and facilities generated from development.
The Section 64 Contributions Plan – Water and Sewerage Headworks determines the requirement for a development to pay a contribution pursuant to Section 64 of the Local Government Act, 1993.
These contributions are levied where anticipated development will or is likely to increase the demand for water and/or sewerage services and are a funding mechanism for Council to provide additional water and sewerage infrastructure and upgrades as a result of the increased demand of new development.
Contributions Plans - Former Wellington Council Local Government Area
The Plan provides for Council to levy contributions on new development where there is an increase in density or activity as a result of a development. The Plan allows Council to levy contributions on development with a cost greater than $100,000 to offset the impacts associated with these developments that will increase use of Council amenities and infrastructure.
The Development Servicing Plan (DSP) details water supply and sewerage developer charges pursuant to Section 64 of the Local Government Act, 1993.
These contributions are levied where anticipated development will or is likely to increase the demand for water and/or sewerage services and are a funding mechanism for Council to provide additional water and sewerage infrastructure and upgrades as a result of the increased demand of new development.
Calculation of Infrastructure Contributions
Contributions are calculated by Council as part of the assessment process, i.e. either via a Development Application (DA) or Complying Development Certificate (CDC).
Contribution rates are adjusted annually in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the indexation requirements included in each individual Plan.
Deferred payment of Contributions for residential subdivision in Dubbo
Council's Deferred Payment of Developer Contributions for Residential Subdivision became effective on 26 September 2016.
The Policy allows a development proponent of a residential subdivision undertaken in Dubbo City to seek deferment of the payment of contributions for a period of no longer than 12 months, subject to the conditions as included in the Policy.
A copy of the Policy can be downloaded from A-Z Council Policies
Contributions Register
Council is required to keep a contributions register in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021.
Last Edited: 14 Jan 2025