Council Waste Facilities
Dubbo Regional Council manage a range of waste facilities across the Local Government Area. These waste facilities are cashless as of 1 July 2024; all cards including our MyDubbo Region Shopping Card are accepted with no additional surcharges from Dubbo Regional Council. Find out more about the Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre, Wellington Waste Transfer Station, and Village and Rural Waste Facilities.
Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre
The Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre is located on Cooba Road in Dubbo. Head to the dedicated webpage for information on opening hours, permitted and prohibited items, fees and charges, accepted payment methods and more; Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre.
Wellington Waste Transfer Station
The Wellington Waste Transfer Station is located on Nanima Village Road in Wellington. Head to the dedicated webpage for information on opening hours, permitted and prohibited items, fees and charges, accepted payment methods and more; Wellington Waste Transfer Station.
Village and Rural Waste
The village and rural waste transfer stations are provided for the use of local residents who do not have kerbside rubbish collection. Head to the dedicated webpage for information on opening hours, permitted and prohibited items, accepted payment methods and more; Village and Rural Waste.
Community Recycling Centres
Domestic quantities (up to 20kg or 20 litre container size) of the following household hazardous wastes can be dropped off at the Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre and Wellington Waste Transfer Station.
- Household batteries
- Car batteries
- Gas bottles
- Smoke detectors
- Fluorescent lightglobes and tubes
- E-waste and old TVs
- Used motor oil
- Used oil filters (charge applies)
- Paint
- Fire extinguishers
- Other oils (transmission, cooking, etc)
Community Recycling Centre Small Drop Off Stations

Small recycling cabinets are installed across a range of Council-owned facilities to support locals wanting to dispose of the following items:
- Household batteries: AA, AAA, AAAA, A23, C, D, CR123, 9 Volt, power tool batteries - all brands. All terminals of batteries must be taped with clear tape, button batteries must be taped with clear tape on both sides.
- Mobile phones and electronic accessories - all brands accepted
- Smoke detectors - battery operated and hard wired style
- Ink cartridges - all brands accepted
Please only drop off these items into the dedicated sections of the station.
Our CRC Small drop off stations are located at the following locations for your convenience.
- Dubbo Civic Administration Building - Corner Church and Darling Street, Dubbo
- Wellington Civic Administration Building - Corner Nanima Crescent and Warne St, Wellington
- Dubbo Regional Library - Corner Macquarie and Talbragar Street, Dubbo
Emergency call
Emergency Hotline Number (24 hours) 000*
*The Site Supervisor should call 000 if the incident presents an immediate threat to human health and/or property and a combat agency is required (i.e. NSW Fire and Rescue, NSW Ambulance Service, NSW Police Force) and then notify all other parties below including NSW Fire and Rescue via a local telephone number.
Council contacts - Emergencies only
Manager Resource Recovery and Efficiency, (02) 6801 4000
Manager Environmental Compliance, (02) 6801 4000
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
Dubbo Regional Office (02) 6883 5333
Emergency Hotline Number (24 hours) 131 555
NSW Ministry of Health (via Public Health Units)
Dubbo Regional Office (02) 6841 5569
Public Health Officer on Call (24 hours) 0418 866 397
WorkCover NSW
Hotline number 13 10 50
Fire and Rescue NSW
Dubbo Rural Fire Service (02) 6881 3900 **
** If there is no immediate threat to human health and/or property i.e. a combat agency is not required, then the site supervisor is still required to follow that outlined above expect for dialing 000.
Last Edited: 10 Sep 2024