Council Meetings

Dubbo Regional Council streams all Council meetings live via YouTube.

Live streaming allows you to view proceedings via the Internet without the need to attend Council meetings. This provides greater access to Council decisions and debate and eliminates geographic barriers preventing the public from attending meetings.

You can view the most recent recording (or upcoming livestream) below.




Download a copy of the meeting calendar; Mayoral Term Meeting Dates 2023/2024. Agendas and Business papers are available on the Monday prior to the meeting via the 'Business Papers and Meeting Minutes' section.

You can view the most recent recording (or upcoming livestream) at the top of this page. Previous meetings can be viewed by clicking here; Meeting Playlist YouTube.


Council generally meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, commencing 5.30pm (except December, when the meeting will be brought forward to the second Thursday due to end of year breaks). Extraordinary meetings are called when needed. 


Committees meet on the second Thursday of each month (except January, December and public holidays).

The Committee meetings start at 5.30pm in the following order:

  • Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee (where required)
  • Culture and Community Committee (where required)
  • Corporate Services Committee (where required)


Meeting Date Location Business Paper Attachments Minutes
15 February 2024 Dubbo   Ordinary Council Meeting   Ordinary Council Meeting
7 March 2024  Dubbo Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee   Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee
7 March 2024  Dubbo Culture and Community Committee   Culture and Community Committee
7 March 2024 Dubbo Corporate Services Committee   Corporate Services Committee
 21 March 2024 Dubbo Ordinary Council Meeting   Ordinary Council Meeting
11 April 2024 Dubbo Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee   Minutes - Infrastructure Planning and Environment Committee
11 April 2024
Dubbo Culture and Community Committee   Minutes - Culture and Community Committee
11 April 2024  Dubbo Corporate Services Committee   Minutes - Corporate Services Committee
24 April 2024 Wellington Ordinary Council Meeting

 Appendices for CCL24/85

Draft20242025 Delivery Program and Operational Plan

Draft 20242025 Budget and Capital Expenditure

Draft 20242025 Fees and Charges

Draft 20242025 Annual Statement of Revenue Policy

Draft Resourcing Strategy

Draft PE 20242025 MRL Budget Fees and Charges and Delivery Operational Plan

Appendix 1 - CCL24-96 

Ordinary Council Meeting minutes
9 May 2024 Dubbo Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee   Minutes - Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee
9 May 2024 Dubbo Culture and Community Committee   Minutes - Culture and Community Committee
9 May 2024 Dubbo Corporate Services Committee   Minutes - Corporate Services Committee
23 May 2024 Dubbo Ordinary Council Meeting   Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting
13 June 2024 Dubbo Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee   Minutes - Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee
13 June 2024 Dubbo Culture and Community Committee   Minutes - Culture and Community Committee
13 June 2024 Dubbo Corporate Services Committee   Minutes - Corporate Services Committee
27 June 2024 Dubbo (Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre) Ordinary Council Meeting

Appendices for Item CCL24/150

Draft 2024 2025 Delivery Program and Operational Plan (Appendix 1)

Draft 2024 2025 Budget and Forward Budgets for 2025 2026, 2026 2027 and 2027 2028 including Capital Expenditure (Appendix 2)

Draft 2024 2025 Fees and Charges (Appendix 3)

Draft 2024 2025 Statement of Revenue Policy (Appendix 4)

Draft 2024 2025  Resourcing  Strategy ~ Term  Financial  Plan, Workforce Management Strategy and Asset Management Strategy) (Appendix 5)

Draft 2024 2025 Macquarie Regional Library Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges (Appendix 6)

Draft 2024 2025 Budget and Operational Plan - Copy of Submissions (Appendix 7)

Draft 2024 2025 Budget and Operational Plan - Submission Summary and Responses (Appendix 8)

Draft 2024 2025 Budget and Operational Plan - Engagement Snapshot (Appendix 9)

Minutes -  Ordinary Council Meeting
11 July 2024 Dubbo Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee    
11 July 2024 Dubbo Culture and Community Committee    
11 July 2024 Dubbo Corporate Services Committee    
25 July 2024 Dubbo Ordinary Council Meeting    
15 August 2024 Dubbo Ordinary Council Meeting    



Members of the public are able to address the Mayor and Councillors at Committee meetings or during Public Forum at Ordinary Council meetings. 

Any person wishing to address Council or Committees is to be provided with a copy of the Procedure for Addressing Council and Standing Committees. Such persons are then required to formally advise Council that they have read the Procedure and will abide by its contents.

Any potential tenderer (being a person or entity, including their agent, employee or representative that has requested documents or information regarding a tender or quotation) must not be permitted to address a meeting of Council (including any Committee or Working Party of Council) regarding the relevant tender or quotation documents without the prior written consent of the Chief Executive Officer.

In deciding whether to grant such consent, the Chief Executive Officer may take into consideration any relevant legislative requirements, tendering guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government from time to time, terms of the relevant tender or quotation documents, Council's Code of Conduct and the rules of procedural fairness (it is noted that Council has a statutory obligation to ensure that any requests for tender or quotation documents, or information or clarification regarding the tender or quotation, from any potential tenderer, must be directed to the responsible officer identified in the tender or quotation documents).

Addressing Standing Committees

It is Council's practice that members of the public who have an interest in matters before Council's Standing Committees (Infrastructure, Planning and Environment; Culture and Community; Corporate Services Committees), are advised that they may attend and address those Committees. This practice is more informal and there is often interaction/questions/discussions between those persons and the Councillors and staff. This informality has been at the discretion of the Chairperson, noting that only those matters listed on the Committee's agenda will be discussed. Matters of ‘general interest’ are not to be raised by the public.

Addressing Council during Public Forum

  • Any person can apply to address either an Ordinary meeting or Extraordinary meeting of Council during Public Forum on any issue relevant to the responsibilities of Dubbo Regional Council (subject to the above statements regarding tenderers).
  • Requests to address Council during Public Forum should be made to Council's Manager Corporate Governance (or nominee) at least two (2) hours prior to the meeting. Applicants shall advise the agenda item/topic to be addressed. Only two (2) speakers shall be able to address the same agenda item/topic.
  • Requests will be advised to the Mayor prior to the commencement of the meeting.
  • Each individual address is limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes.
  • Public Forum is limited to a maximum period of thirty (30) minutes and shall be held following ‘Confirmation of Order of Business’ on the Council agenda. The Mayor will generally give first preference to those speakers who have an interest in a matter on the agenda for the meeting. Should there remain time following speakers who have previously nominated, the Mayor will enquire of the Public Gallery if there are any other speakers.
  • Should the number of nominated speakers exceed the thirty (30) minute timeframe, a decision by Council may extend the time frame for Public Forum via a council resolution to a time determined by the Council.
  • If speakers wish to distribute material to Council and officers, twenty (20) copies shall be provided to the Manager Corporate Governance (or nominee) prior to the meeting.
  • Where an address relates to an item on the agenda for the subject meeting, the issues raised by the speaker(s) shall be dealt with when Council considers that item as part of the agenda. If questions (a maximum of two (2)) are raised by the speaker as part of their address, the Mayor may either provide a response or request the Chief Executive Officer to reply to the speaker at the conclusion of the address. Questions may come from/through the Mayor to the person addressing Council at the time or to the Mayor or Chief Executive Officer at the conclusion of the speaker's address. If questions require investigation, they can be taken on notice with the Manager Corporate Governance to obtain the necessary information for response to the speaker and the Mayor and Councillors.
  • Where an address relates to an issue of general interest (a matter not listed on the agenda), it cannot be debated by Council except where, in accordance with Clause 241 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Clause b(i) of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice (Clause 11 of Council's Meeting Procedure):
    • Motion is passed to have the business transacted at the meeting; and
    • The business proposed to be brought forward is ruled by the Chairperson to be of great urgency.

If a matter of general interest is raised, is not a ‘Matter of Urgency’ as above, and the Mayor or a Councillor wishes the matter to be considered by Council, the Mayor or Councillor may, as per Council's Code of Meeting Practice, lodge a Notice of Motion for consideration at a future meeting of the Council.

  • Speakers must conduct themselves with respect to Council and observe the rules of order and meeting procedure as contained in Council's Code of Meeting Practice. As part of Public Forum, the Mayor shall ensure the conduct of Public Forum is such that presenters:
    • Confine their presentation to a statement of facts
    • Not insult or make personal reflections or impute improper motives to the Mayor, Councillors or member of staff
    • Not say or do anything that is inconsistent with maintaining order at the meeting or is likely to bring Council into contempt
    • Allow other speakers to put their views without interruption.

To address Council during Public Forum, the below form must be completed and returned to a representative of the Manager Corporate Governance. Contact details are available within the form.

Procedures for Addressing Council and Standing Committees (PDF 197.5KB)


Council business papers and minutes from May 2016 to December 2023 can be found in the meeting archive.

Browse past papers at Council's webpage Archived Business Papers.


More information

For further information or if you would like to request access to a business paper not provided for above, please contact Council's Executive Manager Governance and Internal Control on 02 6801 4000.


Last Edited: 02 Jul 2024

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