Rates, Payments and Claims

To learn how to read your rates notice, click here.
Council rates are a local tax levied on the land value of rateable properties and used to fund services that benefit the general community. The land value is assessed by the Valuer General and Council is currently using valuations with a base date of 1 July 2022.
There are also a range of services for which Council is required to levy a separate charge rather than be funded from rates. This includes, domestic waste management, storm water management, water and sewer supplies.
Rates and charges are listed in the Fees & Charges document at Integrated Planning and Reporting.
The amount of rates raised on your property is determined by the rating category (either residential, business, farmland or mining) and rateable value of your property, the advalorem rate set by Council for that category, and any pension concession you may be eligible for.
The rating category or sub-category is shown on your Rate Notice. If the use of your land changes, or is different to that shown on the Rate Notice, it is your obligation to notify Council of the correct category.
If you do not agree with the category Council has given your land, you or your agent can ask for a review. If you are dissatisfied with Council's declaration of the category of your land after it has been reviewed, or the date the category of your land is to take effect, you may appeal to the Land and Environment Court within 30 days after the declaration is made, under Section 526 of the Local Government Act, 1993.
Council rates and charges are due on or before 31 August each year and can also be paid by installments which are payable by 31 August, 30 November, 28 February and 31 May. You will be sent a reminder notice 30 days prior to the due date.

There are a range of services for which Council is required to levy a separate charge rather than be funded from rates. These include:
- Domestic waste management - all residential properties within the designated scavenging area are charged either a three bin or a two bin service as defined below:
- Three Bin Service: A once weekly kerbside collection service of one weekly 240 litre food and garden waste green bin, a once weekly kerbside collection of 140 litre garbage red bin and a fortnightly kerbside collection for one 240 litre yellow bin of mixed recycling.
- Two Bin Service: A once weekly kerbside collection service of one weekly kerbside collection of 240 litre garbage red bin and a fortnightly kerbside collection for one 240 litre yellow bin of mixed recycling.
A waste management service (rural) charge is applicable to all rural parcels of rateable land with households located within the designated scavenging area applied to those properties for which the service is provided and covers the disposing of small domestic quantities (equivalent to wheelie bin capacity).
The annual charge finances the operation of rural household waste transfer stations and the cost of disposing of small quantities of rural household waste at the Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre and the Wellington Waste Facility.
The Local Government Act 1993 requires councils to levy an annual charge for providing domestic waste management services on all parcels of rateable land for which the service is available, whether or not it is actually used. It is considered that all property owners should contribute to the current and future provisions of waste services.
The Vacant Land Rate contributes to the current and future provisions of Councils domestic waste services, such as but not limited to: Waste and Transfer Station Operations, Waste Education, Bulky Waste Collection Service, Plant and Equipment Maintenance and Replacement and Staff Resourcing.
An annual charge which applies to all parcels of rateable land in the 'urban area', levied to raise revenue to fund the upgrade and general maintenance of the stormwater drainage system.
All Residential properties to which sewerage is available will be levied a Sewerage Service Charge. If the property is the site of a Residential multiple residence property (non strata) the Sewerage Service Charge will be the number of occupancies multiplied by the Residential Sewerage Service Charge x 0.5. Non-Residential properties will be charged a quarterly charge for sewerage service based on usage. Usage will be determined by an assessment of water consumed on the property that is returned to the sewer and will be based on the water consumption.
Levied on all properties to which the service is available, regardless of whether the water is connected to the property or not. The charge is determined by the size of the water meter connected to the property, or, if no meter is connected, the default rate for a 20mm meter is charged.
Water consumption charges are a per kilolitre charge for actual water consumed. A charge is raised for the use of the water supply service on a quarterly basis, for the period indicated in the Water Usage Billing Details section of your rates notice, based on the consumption recorded by the meter or meters servicing each property. Click here to access My DRC Water, the online portal that enables you to monitor your consumption of water anytime, anywhere for free.
Vacant blocks may have existing infrastructure for future sewer, water and drainage requirements.
All Residential properties to which sewerage is available will be levied a Sewer Service Charge.
Water Access Charges are levied on all properties to which the service is available, regardless of whether the water is connected to the property or not.
The Drainage Service Charges are used to raise revenue to fund the upgrade and general maintenance of the stormwater drainage system.
Water consumption charges are a per kilolitre charge for actual water consumed. A charge is raised for the use of the water supply service on a quarterly basis based on the consumption recorded by the meter or meters servicing each property.
All NSW Council's give a mandatory rebate of half the General rate up to $250.00, and half the Water Charges and Sewerage Charge up to $87.50 each. The maximum rebate you are eligible for is $425.00 each year.
Council will provide an additional voluntary pensioner rebate to the mandatory pensioner rebate, per household for Water Charges and Sewerage Charge of $12.50 each and for Domestic Waste Management Charges for a three (3) bin service only of $52.
If you are a holder of a current Pensioner Concession Card, and are solely or jointly liable for the rates and charges on the property, which is your principal place of abode, you are eligible for this rebate.
If you start receiving a pension after the commencement of the rating year, you will be eligible for a part year Pension Rebate at the beginning of the next quarter. If you cease to qualify as a pensioner, your pension rebate will be abandoned at the end of the quarterly billing period in which you ceased your entitlement.
To complete the Application for Council Pensioner Concession Rates Rebate form, visit Council's Administration Building in Dubbo or Wellington. The form can also be downloaded here (PDF 585.9KB). (Submission of the form does not automatically confirm your eligibility for this rebate)
Last Edited: 26 Sep 2024