A-Z Plans and Strategies

Cameron Park Fountain Wellington

Council produces a range of strategies and plans to guide our Region's future growth and development. A number of other strategies are in place across different functions of Council, new and amended strategies will be included here as adopted by Council.

These documents are produced with extensive community consultation and influence Council’s decision making, planning, and determine where resources should be focused.

2011 Elizabeth Park Master Plan (pdf 12MB)
The development of Elizabeth Park and the Dubbo Regional Botanic Garden is guided through the Elizabeth Park Master Plan 2011.
2011 Victoria Park Masterplan (pdf 10.4MB)
To help ensure that the park remains true to its original intent the Victoria Park Rehabilitation Master Plan was developed, and adopted in 2013. This plan will guide the future development and maintenance of the park and ensure that it will continue to deliver high quality recreational facilities and opportunities to the residents and visitors of Dubbo for generations to come.
2017 Cameron Park Master Plan (pdf 7.1MB)
Cameron Park Master Plan outlines plans for future development.
2017 Kennard Park Master Plan (pdf 4.9MB)
Kennard Park Master Plan outlines plans for future development.
2017 Rygate Park Master Plan (pdf 1.5MB)
Rygate Park Master Plan outlines plans for future development.
2018 DRC Open Space Masterplan (PDF 18.6MB)
DRC is the focal point in the central west for employment, cultural and recreational opportunities. The Open Space Masterplan 2018 sets a framework for incorporating anticipated growth into public networks.
2020 Cultural Plan (pdf 27.7MB)
The 2020 Cultural Plan will ensure that DRC can commit to policy-making based on a solid foundation; developed with, and responding to community and stakeholder feedback, with transparent processes for reporting, monitoring, and review.
2020 Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Response Plan (pdf 14.8MB)
The Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Response Plan (DCWERP) was prepared to ensure the community recognises the issues associated with drought management and their role in supporting Council's actions during drought or emergency incidents and a strategic mechanism for managing water supply in the Dubbo Local Government Area (LGA) during periods of drought or emergency incidents.
2020 Dubbo Transportation Strategy (pdf 5.6MB)
The 2020 Dubbo Transportation Strategy aims at reducing traffic congestion within Dubbo Central Business District (CBD), facilitate booming Residential Development and open up new regions for Commercial and Industrial development within Dubbo Region and her environs. Efficiency and conducive business opportunity have been the key ingredients towards 2020 strategic innovation plan.
2020-2025 Dubbo Regional Council Energy Strategy & Implementation Plan (PDF 3.3MB)
The Dubbo Regional Council Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan is designed to support and guide Council in reducing energy consumption, increasing energy efficiency, increasing the use and adoption of renewable energy resources and sustainable transport while taking into account the needs and desires of a growing community. The Strategy and Implementation Plan also seeks to support the local community in becoming energy smart.
2020-2030 Dubbo Regional Council Recreation Strategy (PDF 9.9MB)
The aim of this strategy is to set out how Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) will improve recreational opportunities over the next 10 years. his strategy guides future planning and delivery of recreation to ensure that our community has access healthy and vibrant lifestyles in DRC.
2021-2027 Dubbo Regional Council Customer Experience Strategy (pdf 17.3MB)
The purpose of this strategy is to inform you, our customers, about how the teams and individuals across council are going to work to deliver seamless experiences for residents, businesses and our communities. Council’s first Customer Experience Strategy aims to embody a practical roadmap including learnings from recent reviews which will ensure continual improvement to our customer experiences in the future.
2022 - 2025 Dubbo Regional Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan (pdf 2.3MB)
Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) through the provision of the 2022 - 2025 Dubbo Regional Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan has been committed to striving for an inclusive society and region and advocating for equal rights for all within our communities
2022 Dubbo Regional Council Zero Emissions Fleet Strategy and Implementation Plan (PDF 1.6MB)
The Dubbo Regional Council Zero Emission Fleet (ZEF) Strategy and Implementation Plan is designed to support and guide Council in reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with its fleet operations.
2022 Smart Region Strategy (pdf 3.1MB)
Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) have developed this Smart Region Strategy (Strategy) to guide the adoption of technology, data, and innovation as the Dubbo Region (the Region) pursues greater prosperity, connection, wellbeing, and sustainability.
2023 Dubbo Regional Council Pesticide Notification Plan (pdf 216.7KB)
The aim of this plan is to meet the community’s general right to know about pesticide applications made to outdoor public places that are owned or controlled by Dubbo Regional Council. The plan allows members of the community to take action to avoid contact with pesticides, if they wish.
2023-2027 Community Engagement Strategy including Community Participation Plan (pdf 28.1MB)
This Community Engagement Strategy including Community Participation Plan outlines Dubbo Regional Council’s approach to engaging with the community and stakeholders. It provides transparency and clarity for all stakeholders so they can understand their role in the decision-making process. It outlines who, when and how we will engage on plans and policies.
2023-2033 Dubbo Regional Council Public Art Strategy (pdf 28.9MB)
This strategy serves as a comprehensive guide for planning, creating, and maintaining public art in the Dubbo Region. A summarised edition of the strategy is available upon request, please contact Council's Cultural Development Officer for a copy on 02 6801 4000.
2023-2050 Net Zero Framework for Council Operations (PDF 3.2MB)
The purpose of the Net Zero Framework is to provide Council with an overarching blueprint for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero within its operations by 2050 at the absolute latest
2024-2026 Dubbo Regional Council Water Supply and Sewerage Customer Service Plan (PDF 6.6MB)
The purpose of this document is to describe Dubbo Regional Council’s (Council) customer services and responsibilities in accordance with the legislative framework for Local Government Water Utilities in NSW.
2025-2026 Dubbo Regional Council Reconciliation Action Plan (pdf 2.4MB)
This Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) enables Dubbo Regional Council to deepen its understanding of its sphere of influence and the unique contribution it can make to lead progress across the five dimensions. Getting these first steps right will ensure the sustainability of future RAPs and reconciliation initiatives, and provide meaningful impact toward Australia’s reconciliation journey.
CBD Precincts Plan (pdf 2.9MB)
The CBD Precincts Plan brings together community and stakeholder views and ideas on what our CBD is and what it should be into the future. The Plan is the result of the ”Ignite Our Centre” public engagement campaign, which gave everyone in the community the opportunity to have their say about what they want and need from our Centre.
Dubbo Street Tree Master Plan (pdf 1.7MB)
In order to ensure a strategic and holistic approach, a priority based street tree planting program has been developed in the form of a Masterplan.
Dubbo Street Tree Master Plan - Street Tree Tool Kit (pdf 4.4MB)
In order to ensure a strategic and holistic approach, a priority based street tree planting program has been developed in the form of a Masterplan. This Took Kit supports the Dubbo Street Tree Master Plan.
Dubbo Street Tree Master Plan - Street Trees for the City of Dubbo (pdf 11.5MB)
In order to ensure a strategic and holistic approach, a priority based street tree planting program has been developed in the form of a Masterplan. This information booklet supports the Dubbo Street Tree Master Plan.
Investment Strategy (pdf 660KB)
Having outlined the framework for investing in the Investment Policy, this document sets out current market conditions, how Council is responding to structure its investment portfolio, realistic objectives for the investment portfolio and risk management.
Macquarie River CBD Master Plan (PDF 103.6MB)
The final master plan report for the Macquarie River CBD Master Plan.
Macquarie River Master Plan North and South Precincts - Appendix A (pdf 3.5MB)
Appendix A of the Macquarie River Master Plan North and South Precincts refers to open space and recreation provision in Dubbo.
Macquarie River Master Plan North and South Precincts - Part A (pdf 27.5MB)
Part A of the final master plan report for Macquarie River Master Plan North and South Precincts.
Macquarie River Master Plan North and South Precincts - Part B (pdf 28.5MB)
Part B of the final master plan report for Macquarie River Master Plan North and South Precincts.
Section 94 Development Contributions Plan for Dubbo Open Space and Recreation Facilities - 2016-2026 (PDF 1.5MB)
Council has identified a range of land acquisition, parkland and sporting facility expansion and related embellishment that is required to support the growth of Dubbo.
Tree Preservation Order Significant Tree Register 2023 (pdf 13.4MB)
The updated Tree Preservation Order and Significant Tree Register was adopted in April 2023. The document continues to provide protection of public trees (and those listed on private land that appear on the Significant Tree Register) through to March 2024.
Wellington Street Tree Masterplan 2023 (pdf 14MB)
Adopted in April 2023, The Wellington Street Master Plan was prepared with the assistance of Urban Forest Consulting who was involved in the drafting of the Dubbo Street Tree Master Plan 2016. The master plan is a strategic tree management document focused on improving the health and canopy coverage of the town.
Wellington Town Centre Plan (pdf 25.3MB)
The Wellington Town Centre Plan provides a strategic framework to re-vitalise the Town Centre and establish a vision for its future. The key aim of the Plan is to create a safe, attractive and vibrant Town Centre for the future.

Last Edited: 12 Mar 2025

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