Doing Business with Council


Council's Project Management Office is responsible for carrying out the procurement and contract management processes at Council. Council regularly enters into competitive arrangements for the purchase of works, goods and services needed to provide 'best value' procurement outcomes to ratepayers and others in the community.

The principle of 'best value' does not mean that Council will automatically select goods and services with lowest price. Council will balance all relevant factors including initial cost, whole of life cost, quality, reliability and timeliness to determine actual money for value. Council is committed to conducting with fairness and probity in purchasing goods and services in accordance with Section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), the tender provision within the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 - Part 7- Tendering and in accordance with the Council's adopted policies and associated procedures.

Please expand below to find out more information on Council's Procurement process.


We are committed to the highest standards of honesty, fairness and integrity in all our business dealings. Businesses wanting to provide their services to us must first understand our procurement processes.

Council operates according to a code of conduct (PDF 269.4KB) that sets out the standards of behaviour that Councillors and staff are expected to adhere by when dealing with other colleagues, our customers and suppliers, members of the public and the community.

The statement of business ethics (PDF 1MB) sets out the standards of behaviour that Council expects from its private sector partners when conducting business with us. These standards of behaviour relate to fair, ethical and honest dealings with Council, and ensuring the best level of service is provided to the community.


Use the below steps to register and create an account with the Vendorpanel Portal:

Step 1 | You will need to access our Vendorpanel portal.

Step 2 | If you are already registered with the portal, you would have received a confirmation (including your username and password details) via email.

Step 3 | Use these details to log in and select the industry categories that are relevant to your business. This will improve the types of notifications you will receive. This is important to make sure you only receive the notifications of interest to you and are relevant to your business.

Step 4 | If you have not registered, you will need to register and create an account by accessing the Vendorpanel portal. The process is very simple and only takes a few minutes. Select the registration tab and enter your email address to create your unique supplier profile. Once completed, you will receive a confirmation email of your registration.

Step 5 | If you require assistance with registering and customising your profile, please contact the Vendorpanel Help Desk on 03 9095 6181


Dubbo Regional Council is inviting suitable qualified contractors whose business is located within the Dubbo Regional Council LGA, or within 50 kilometres of Dubbo or 50 Kilometres of Wellington to be part of a Prequalified Panel. If your business fits into one of the following categories; Building Trades and Services; Minor Civil Works; Horticulture and Arboriculture; you can be listed in the Prequalified Panel for works up to $250,000 including GST.

Find out more at our dedicated webpage; Prequalify as a Local Contractor.


Please see below current opportunities.

Open Tender
Please click here to see if there are any open tender opportunities.


Please see below list of responses received for recently advertised Tenders, Quotations and Expressions of Interest.   


Tender No: CD24/6380 - Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant - Dubbo
At the close of Tender on 16 December 2024, Council received and opened tenders for the above requirement from the following Organisations. Click here. (PDF 115.9KB)

Tender No: CD24/9383 - Annual Bitumen Resealing Program 2024-25
At the close of Tender on 15 January 2025, Council received and opened tenders for the above requirement from the following Organisations. Click here. (PDF 117.8KB)

Tender No: CD24/8668 -Teamsters Park Multi-Use Courts
At the close of Tender on 16 January 2025, Council received and opened tenders for the above requirement from the following Organisations. Click here. (PDF 111.8KB)

Tender No: CD24/8575 - Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets Livestock Handling Services
At the close of Tender on 7 February 2025, Council received and opened tenders for the above requirement from the following Organisations. Click here. (PDF 114.8KB)

Tender No: CD24/8292 -Dubbo Water Treatment Plant - Clear Water Pump/s Replacement 
At the close of Tender on 28 February 2025, Council received and opened tenders for the above requirement from the following Organisations. Click here. (PDF 114.6KB)


Please see below Tenders, Quotations and Expressions of Interest that have been recently awarded.

Tender No: CD24/2010 - Construction of New River Street West Collector Road - Stage - 1
Under delegated authority on 15 August 2024, Council accepted the offer of MAAS Civil Pty Ltd for the Construction of River Street West Collector Road stage 1.

Tender No: CD24/6792 - Cleaning of Open Space Public Amenities, BBQs, Shelters & Associated Furniture in Dubbo LGA
Under delegated authority on 10 December 2024, Council accepted the offers from Techni-Clean Dubbo Pty Ltd for Cleaning of Public Amenities and Serenity Landscapes for Cleaning of BBQs, Shelters & Furniture.

Tender No: CD24/8286 - Re-Tender Dubbo Aquatic Leisure Centre Refurbishment & Upgrade of 50 metre Pool & Water Slide Plant Room
Under delegated authority on 10 December 2024, Council accepted the offer of Aquatic Projects Pty Ltd for the upgrade works at Dubbo Aquatic Leisure Centre 50m Pool & Water Slide Plant Room.

Tender No: CD24/6380 -Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant - Dubbo
Under delegated authority on 21 January 2025, in accordance with Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, Clauses 178(1)(b) and 178(3)(e), Council decided to reject all tenders received for the Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant due to budget constraints and enter into negotiation with TWS Evolution Pty Ltd with a view to entering a contract in relation to the subject matter of the tender.

Tender No: CD24/8668 -Teamsters Park Multi-Use Courts
Under delegated authority on 11 February 2025, Council accepted the offer of L-Don Sporting Areas Pty Ltd for the construction of two Multi-use courts in Teamsters Park Wellington.

Tender No: CD24/9383 - Annual Bitumen Resealing Program 2024-25
Under delegated authority on 11 February 2025, Council accepted the offer of Austek Spray Seal Pty Ltd to carryout Council's annual bitumen reseal work at various roads in Dubbo & Wellington.




The following documents are available for download.

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (PDF 803.7KB)

Small Business Guide to Council Procurement (PDF 2.5MB)

Small Business Insurance Fact Sheet (PDF 1.3MB)


Can I lodge my tender via email?

No, you can only lodge your tender electronically on the Vendorpanel portal.

What if I don't lodge my tender response online before the closing time?

Your tender will not be considered by Dubbo Regional Council post the closing time.

Can I check to see who has been the successful tenderer?

Yes. Successful tenderer information is available on this webpage under 'recently awarded'.

Can I talk to Councillors and Council staff about the tender?

No. It is not permitted and may result in disqualification from the tender process. You can contact the Procurement team on 02 6801 4000.

Last Edited: 28 Feb 2025

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