Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre
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The Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre is located at Cooba Road, just off Narromine Road, about 15kms west of Dubbo on the southern side of the Mitchell Highway. You can contact the facility at 02 6801 4900. The Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre is cashless as of 1 July 2024; all cards including our MyDubbo Region Shopping Card are accepted with no additional surcharges from Dubbo Regional Council.
Expand the sections below to find out more about Council’s waste facility.
Opening Hours
The Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre operates 8am to 4.45pm weekdays and 9am to 4.45pm on weekends. It is open every day except Good Friday and Christmas Day. Commercial customers will not be permitted entry after 4.15pm, while customers disposing of household volumes will not be permitted entry after 4.45pm.
Guidelines for Entry
- Report to the weighbridge operator when entering the facility
- You will be asked what you are disposing of and be required to identify
all materials. If you are unsure, please advise the weighbridge operator.
Random visual inspections will be made by waste management facility
- Your vehicle may be weighed
- If your vehicle has been weighed, you will be required to return to the
weighbridge to finalise your transaction
- Customers are requested to observe and adhere to the speed limits and
safety signs at all times
- Fully enclosed footwear must be worn at all times
- Children are to remain inside the vehicle
- Unauthorised scavenging is prohibited
- Council’s waste management facility operators will direct customers to
appropriate disposal areas. Where possible please use UHF channel directed
by the weighbridge operator
- Waste management facility operators can request name and address details
of persons disposing of waste
- Waste management facility operators shall refuse to accept items/materials
which Council is not licensed to accept
- The site is monitored by video surveillance. Photos may be taken by waste
management facility staff
- Customers not complying with directions from waste management facility
operator/s will be requested to leave the site
Prohibited Wastes
The Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre does not accept:
- Liquid wastes of any description (other than commercial grease trap wastes and used motor oil)
- Radioactive waste
- Any inflammable liquid material derived from grease, oil, tar, petroleum, shale or coal (other used motor oil)
- Any sludge material (unless proven to be innocuous or harmless) being the refuse from any industrial process carried on in any:
- tanning or leather processing plant
- chemical plant
- pharmaceutical or drug manufacturing plant
- metal treatment plant
- petroleum or petrochemical plant
- vegetable or mineral oil plant
- Any material containing arsenic, cyanide or sulphide
- Any toxic soluble salts of barium, boron, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, selenium, silver or zinc
- Any pesticide or weedicide and in particular:
- chlorinated hydrocarbons (organochlorines)
- organophosphates
- fluorinated hydrocarbons
- phenols
- Any soluble acid or alkali, acidic or basic compounds
- Cytotoxic wastes
- Special clinical wastes (including sharps)
- Any drums containing agricultural or animal health chemicals (contact ChemClear on 1800 008 182).
Fees and Charges - Small Vehicle Receival Centre
The cost for visiting a waste facility differs depending on how much rubbish you have, and what you're disposing. Council's Fees and Charges available at Integrated Planning and Reporting show all costs that can be charged at waste facilities. The Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre is cashless as of 1 July 2024; all cards including our MyDubbo Region Shopping Card are accepted with no additional surcharges from Dubbo Regional Council.
You may wish to pre-determine the price you will pay before visiting a centre, however Council advises that staff of waste facilities will have final say on the classifications of products you are presenting with.
The Small Vehicle Receival Centre is an all-weather “one stop shop” for the disposal of mixed domestic waste and recycling, outlined below are the disposal costs for domestic household quantities.
- Mixed Waste
- $12.50 - Car or equivalent - sorted mixed waste and recycling
- $17.50 - Car or equivalent - mixed waste
- $27.50 - Utility or small single axle trailer - sorted mixed waste and recycling
- $39.00 - Utility or small single axle trailer - mixed waste
- $171.00 per tonne - Larger volumes will be weighed - minimum charge applies of $39.00
- Large volumes outside the LGA - per tonne
- Green waste - clean with no traces of mixed waste
- $11.50 - Car, utility or small trailer - up to 1/2 cubic metre
- $22.50 - Utility or small trailer - up to 1 cubic metre
- $57.50 - Other vehicles - per tonne - minimum charge applies of $22.50
- $274.50 - Bulky wooden palettes - minimum charge applies of $38.00
- Tyres
- $8.75 each - All bike tyres
- $12.50 each - Car tyres
- $17.50 each - Light truck/4WD tyres
- $11.00 each - Additional charge - any tyre on a rim
- Mattresses
- $15.00 - Single bed - per mattress
- $27.50 - Double bed and larger - per mattress
The disposal of the following recyclable items where segregated on delivery are free:
- Scrap metal
- Whitegoods, degassed
- DrumMuster Drums, empty and rinsed clean
- Car batteries
- Old TV's and other domestic e-waste, household quantities only
- Gas bottles, household quantities only
- Smoke detectors
- Fluorescent light globes and tubes, household quantities only
- Household batteries
- Used motor oil, household quantities only
- Domestic mixed recycling - paper/cardboard, steel, plastic, aluminium, glass containers
- Textiles - clothing, blankets, linen, shoes, backpacks, handbags
Fees and Charges - Commercial and Industrial
The cost for visiting a waste facility differs depending on how much rubbish you have, and what you're disposing. Council's Fees and Charges available at Integrated Planning and Reporting show all costs that can be charged at waste facilities. The Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre is cashless as of 1 July 2024; all cards including our MyDubbo Region Shopping Card are accepted with no additional surcharges from Dubbo Regional Council.
You may wish to pre-determine the price you will pay before visiting a centre, however Council advises that staff of waste facilities will have final say on the classifications of products you are presenting with.
To find out more about disposal costs and payment requirements; contact Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre directly on 02 6801 4900.
Community Recycling Centre
Domestic quantities (up to 20kg or 20 litre container size) of certain household hazardous wastes can be dropped off at the Whylandra Waste and Recycling Facility, at Wellington Waste Transfer Station or at one of the small CRC stations in the Local Government Area. Head to our landing page to find out more; Council Waste Facilities
Tipping Vouchers
We have changed the way you can access residential tipping vouchers. This program is available to residents who receive a two or three bin kerbside collection. Each eligible household can access one voucher per financial year. Find out more about the program at Council's dedicated webpage Tipping Vouchers.
Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping is the unlawful deposit of waste, larger than litter, onto land or into water. It includes waste materials that have been dumped, tipped or otherwise deposited onto private or public land where no licence or approval exists to accept such waste. Illegal dumping at one of Council's waste facilities can be reported through Council's dedicated webpage Pollution and Illegal Dumping.
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
In accordance with the (General) Amendment (Pollution Incident Response Management Plan) Regulation 2012, Council has prepared a Pollution Incident Management Plan for the operations of the Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre located on the Cooba Road, Dubbo. Council operates the Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre under Environmental Protection Licence (EPL) number 6058.
The Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PDF 1.9MB) contains details of processes Council has put in place to mitigate the likelihood of a pollution incident occurring together with details as to how a pollution incident will be managed, reported and communicated.
The objectives of this Plan are to:
- Reduce the likelihood of a pollution incident occurring at the facility through identification of risks and the development of planned actions to minimise and manage those risks.
- Ensure comprehensive and timely communication about a pollution incident to staff at the premises, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), other relevant authorities specified in the Act (such as NSW Ministry of Health, WorkCover NSW, and Fire and Rescue NSW) and people outside the facility who may be affected by the impacts of the pollution incident.
- Ensure that the Plan is properly implemented by trained staff, identifying persons responsible for implementing it, and ensuring that the plan is regularly tested for accuracy, currency and suitability.
- Provide guidance on how to respond to an environmental pollution incident and how to record such an event.
Contact Information for the Immediate Notification of a Pollution Incident:
Under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 it is a requirement that all pollution incidents, where material harm to the environment is caused or threatened, are reported to the EPA, NSW Health, Fire and Rescue NSW, WorkCover NSW and the local Council.
Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre is required to be monitored in accordance with their licence conditions and reported to the EPA in an Annual Return.
Environmental Monitoring Results (PDF 128.6KB)
Communication with Neighbours and Community
Early warning and regular updates to owners and occupiers of premises who may be affected by an incident occurring at the Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre will be notified as follows:
Properties adjoin the facility
Council will make preliminary contact will all owners and occupiers of properties adjoining the Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre to establish the most suitable means of effecting communications with them in the event of a major pollution incident occurring.
Should a major pollution incident occur, residents will be notified immediately and may be further contacted by an emergency service representative, such as in a case where evacuation or critical safety actions are considered necessary.
Broader Community
Depending on the nature, scale and timing of the incident, Council will also place routine notices and updates on its website and provide information via the local media, including radio stations and television services.
Last Edited: 10 Feb 2025