Online Certificates

Online Certificate

Dubbo Regional Council provides access to a number of property certificates and enquiries online. This is an efficient and streamlined way for businesses and individual customers to access information on properties within our Local Government Area.

Expand the sections below to find out more.


Dubbo Regional Council provides access to a number of property certificates, offering an efficient service for both businesses and individual customers, including:

  • 24 x 7 access to web services

  • The ability to process multiple certificate types in one transaction

  • The ability to apply for certificates on multiple properties in one transaction and

  • A reduction in processing time by eliminating delays caused by posting documents

Proceed to DRC&ME (By following this link, you signify your agreement to the terms and conditions outlined below.)

To use this service customers and businesses are required to register an account on the portal. Once registered, applications for certificates can be processed instantly.


The following types of certificates are available to be applied for online:

  • Section 10.7(2) Certificate

  • Section 10.7(2)(5) Certificate

  • Drainage Diagram

  • Section 603 Rating Certificate

  • Special Water Meter Reads

  • Section 121ZP Certificate

  • Section 735A Certificate

  • Section 608 Certificate

  • Fire Flow Investigation

Urgent 10.7 and 603 Certificates can be processed within 16 working hours, urgency fees are outlined in Council’s Fees and Charges at Integrated Planning and Reporting.

Please note, to use this service you need a MasterCard or Visa credit card.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Experience on 02 6801 4000.

By following this link, you agree to the Terms and Conditions outlined below. Proceed to DRC&ME to lodge an Online Certificate Request.


Before proceeding, please read and signify your agreement to the following terms and conditions.

In using this service, you accept and understand that:

  1. Certificates are costed and processed according to Dubbo Regional Council’s current Fees and Charges as well as our Service Levels outlined in the current Operational Plan, both available for your review here.

  2. It is your responsibility to accurately identify and verify the identification of the land subject to the certificate. No refund will be issued if the wrong property was selected or previously ordered.

  3. It is your responsibility to verify that a property is connected to Council’s water supply prior to ordering a Special Water Meter Read. Separate fees are applicable for residential and commercial properties. No refund will be issued if the property is not connected to Council’s water supply.

  4. Where delivery by email is selected, you are responsible for specifying the correct email address. Dubbo Regional Council does not verify the validity of email addresses and whether certificates have been received.

  5. Online Certificates relies on the internet to receive applications and deliver certificates via email (where selected). Access to the internet by users of the service is dependent on numerous factors, technologies and systems, many of which are beyond Dubbo Regional Council’s authority and control. Dubbo Regional Council will not be liable or responsible for:

    1. Any inability of yours to access the internet;

    2. Emails not being delivered promptly, or at all; or

    3. Certificates being or becoming corrupted or damaged in their passage across the internet by reason of any factor beyond Dubbo Regional Council’s authority and control. 

  6. Dubbo Regional Council excludes any liability to you arising from related in any way to:

    1. Any act or omission of Dubbo Regional Council in good faith and without negligence;

    2. The failure of Dubbo Regional Council to receive any instructions, information or document by a particular time or at all unless the failure was the result of a negligent act or omission of Dubbo Regional Council; or

    3. Any act or omission of a third party including, without limitation, a telecommunications or internet service provider.

All matters relating to this service are governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales.



Dwelling Entitlement Enquiry

Did you know that not all land within the Dubbo Regional Council area is suitable for building a house or dwelling? Certain rural and environmental protection zones require a dwelling entitlement to be ascertained before Council can even consider your development application.  

For an allotment of land to have dwelling entitlement it must meet certain criteria under the Dubbo Regional Local Environmental Plan 2022. If it does not meet those criteria, unfortunately it does not have a dwelling entitlement. You cannot make an application for dwelling entitlement on an allotment that does not have dwelling entitlement. The allotment either meets the criteria or it does not. 

What is a Dwelling Entitlement?

A dwelling entitlement is a legal right that allows you to apply for approval to build a home on your property. However, it's important to understand that having a dwelling entitlement does not guarantee that your building application will be approved. There are many factors that could affect your approval, even if your property has a dwelling entitlement. 

If your land has a dwelling entitlement, you'll still need to go through the full application process to seek development consent. This involves submitting a Development Application (DA) or a Complying Development Certificate (CDC) for assessment by Council staff. The application will be evaluated under Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, which ensures all local environmental matters are considered.

Regulations Change Over Time

The planning rules regarding dwelling entitlements are subject to change, so it’s important to note that the information you receive from a dwelling entitlement search is accurate only as of the date of the search. If you've received a dwelling entitlement search previously, it may no longer be current. To ensure you have the most up-to-date information, you’ll need to request a new search. 

Multiple Lots under one ownership? Pay Only One Fee

If you’re applying for a dwelling entitlement search for adjoining lots under the same ownership, you only need to pay a single application fee. However, if there are multiple owners for the lots, a separate application must be completed for each ownership. If you are unsure about the ownership of multiple lots, please call (02) 6801 4000 and speak to a Duty Planning Officer before making your application.

How to Apply for a Dwelling Entitlement Search

Submit your application and make your payment online via the DRC&ME. Please note that you will need to create an account if you do not already have one, existing users can simply log in. After logging in, click on the Planning & Building Development tile and then the Dwelling Entitlement Enquiry tile.

A fee is required for conducting the dwelling entitlement search. You can view Council’s adopted fees and charges here.

We typically process requests within 10 business days. If additional time is required, one of our staff members will contact you with an update.

Once our search is complete, a formal response letter will be provided including the results by email directly to you.

Need More Information?

For further details or assistance, please contact our Duty Planning Officers at (02) 6801 4000. We're here to help! 

Last Edited: 06 Feb 2025

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