Dubbo Regional Council will be coordinating an additional food organics and garden organics (FOGO) bin (green bin) service for key areas of Dubbo that were heavily impacted by last Thursday’s storm.
“Following consultation with the SES and heat mapping of the storm, council has identified the significantly impacted areas of the city and will be provided an additional FOGO bin service for this area to help deal with the extra green waste,” Dubbo Regional Council CEO Murray Wood said.
The additional service is for FOGO bins (green bin) only, with bins needing to be placed on the kerb Friday night for collection from 6am Saturday 18 February 2023. The area identified for the additional FOGO bin service includes residents within the area between Cobra St, Wheelers Lane, Cobborah St, Buninyong and South Buninyong Rds.
The Whylandra Waste and Recycling Service will continue to accept green waste from last Thursday’s storm up until 4:45pm on Sunday 19 February 2023 free of charge. This free service is for residents in the Dubbo urban area, which is defined as residents with a three bin service. After this date green waste disposal will have associated tipping charges applied. Residents outside the Dubbo urban area are able to utilise their one free tipping voucher to Council’s waste facility.
“The Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre has seen an influx of residents utilising the free green waste drop off service following last week’s storm, with over 380 visits from residents to drop off their green waste to date,” Mr Wood said.
The Council’s kerbside organics collection has also seen an 80 per cent increase on Monday’s normal collection of organics waste and 39 per cent increase on Wednesday’s normal collection of organics waste following the storm last week.
“We would like to commend everyone for their patience over the weekend at the Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre with extended wait times for drop off and the fact that there was no contamination with general household waste.”

Download an Accessibility friendly version; Storm Heatmap (PDF 860.7KB)
Last Edited: 17 Jul 2023