Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) met on Thursday 28 September 2023 at 5.30pm in the Dubbo Council Chambers for the September Ordinary Council meeting. The following outcomes were made:
ELECTION OF MAYOR FOR THE MAYORAL TERM: Clr Mathew Dickerson was re-elected as Mayor for the remainder of the Councillor term. The Mayoral term will run up until the election in September 2024.
ELECTION OF DEPUTY MAYOR FOR THE MAYORAL TERM: Clr Richard Ivey was elected as Deputy Mayor for the Mayoral term.
FORMATION OF STANDING COMMITTEES AND DETERMINATION OF ALL MEETING DATES, TIMES AND LOCATION: Council adopted a meeting structure which includes three standing committees and an Ordinary Council Meeting, to be held each month pending exceptions called out. The dates for the meetings between October 2023 and August 2024 can be found in the minutes of the September Ordinary Council Meeting.
DETERMINATION OF COUNCILLOR REPRESENTATION ON MANDATED COMMITTEES: Council determined the same Councillors who have been representatives on the mandated committees would remain for the remainder of the term.
DETERMINATION OF NUMBER OF COUNCILLORS FOR 2028-2032 TERM OF OFFICE: Council held a referendum at the 2021 Local Government Election to abolish the wards and increase the Councillor numbers to 11. The result of this referendum was successful and as such this will come into force at the 2024 Local Government Elections to be held on 14 September 2024. Council determined the number of Councillors are to remain the same for the 2028-2032 term of office.
REPORT OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE - MEETING 14 SEPTEMBER 2023: Councillors adopted the report of the Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on 14 September 2023.
REPORT OF THE CULTURE AND COMMUNITY COMMITTEE - MEETING 14 SEPTEMBER 2023: Councillors adopted the report of the Culture and Community Committee meeting held on 14 September 2023.
REPORT OF THE CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE - MEETING 14 SEPTEMBER 2023: Councillors adopted the report of the Corporate Services Committee meeting held on 14 September 2023.
CENTRAL WEST ORANA RENEWABLE ENERGY ZONE (CWO REZ) STEERING COMMITTEE: Councillors noted the report about the CWO REZ steering committee. The operational nature of the Steering Committee will allow for a coordinated approach to working together with other levels of Government and other Councils to deliver and drive action in respect of the CWO REZ, with the intent to achieve a wide range of challenges and benefits for our community. It was noted Dubbo Regional Council is co-chair and providing administrative support.
RESCISSION OF LAND SWAP - DUBBO RSL MEMORIAL CLUB LTD: On 19 September Council was served a Notice of Rescission of the Land Swap Deed with Dubbo RSL Memorial Club, which rescinds the contract for sale of the two parcels of land. It was noted this relates to the Dubbo RSL property that is the site of the former Dubbo City Bowling Club and the 3.3 hectare portion of Council’s Keswick Estate. Councillors called for a report to be provided to the October 2023 meeting of Council that will provide a broad overview of the possible future strategic use of the former Dubbo City Bowling club site and any previous planning undertaken to date, and possible options for purchase from Dubbo RSL Memorial Club.
DRAFT NORTH-WEST URBAN RELEASE AREA DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN - RESULTS OF PUBLIC EXHIBITION: Council adopted the draft North-West Development Control Plan (DCP) Master Plan and the draft North-West Urban Release Area Development Control Plan Stage 1. The DCPs will come into effect on 2 October 2023. Council noted the submissions received during the exhibition period and the amendments made following the exhibition period.
DRAFT BLUERIDGE PRECINCT DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN: Councillors adopted the draft Blueridge Precinct Development Control Plan (DCP) for the purposes of public exhibition. The draft Blueridge Precinct DCP will be placed on public exhibition for 28 days and following the completion of the exhibition will be brought back to Council. The precinct includes a mixture of small and large-scale commercial and industrial uses and will accommodate the future Southern Distributor Road that connects Sheraton Road to the Mitchell Highway; an integral road for South-East Dubbo. The draft DCP contains controls and guidance to manage urban design, subdivision and development outcomes.
DRAFT CLEARMONT RISE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN - RESULTS OF PUBLIC EXHIBITION: Council adopted the updated draft Clearmont Rise Development Control Plan which will come into effect on 2 October 2023. Council noted the submissions received during the public exhibition, with the draft DCP updated in response to the submissions. Council will prepare a separate planning proposal to reclassify 1L Narromine Road, Dubbo from Community Land to Operational Land to allow for the future provision of a public road only, which will ultimately allow for an additional legal access to the Central-West Urban Release Area.
NAMING OF THOROUGHFARE ASSOCIATED WITH D2021/820 - 59 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION - LOT 10 DP1142232 JOIRA ROAD DUBBO: Council approved the public road be named St Brigid’s Circuit as per the road layout plan. The proposed name will be notified in the local newspaper and Government Authorities and the owner will be advised accordingly once approval under the Roads Regulation 2018 has been given and the name gazetted.
SUBMISSION TO PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY INTO ANIMAL POUNDS IN NSW: The report of the Manager Environmental Compliance was noted.
SAXA ROAD - COMOBELLA CROSSING, MITCHELL CREEK CAUSEWAY OPTIONS: Councillors noted the resolution from August 2023. Council amended the resolution to remove the box culvert crossing as further information following the August resolution indicates additional engineering requirements and timeframes required by a Box Culvert solution means it is considered no longer suitable. The resolution now reads that Council will seek tenders for the design and construction of a bridge to replace the damaged Comobella crossing culvert and seek funding under the Bridge Replacement Program and Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements program to supplement project costs. Council will write to the Minister for Roads advising of the importance of this crossing to secure the necessary funding for the replacement crossing.
2024 WELLINGTON VINTAGE FAIR STREET PARADE: Council granted approval to the Rotary Club of Wellington Vintage Fair Committee to undertake the 2024 Wellington Vintage Fair Street Parade on Saturday 2 March 2024, and implement temporary road closures subject to Transport for NSW approval and conditions of DRC and NSW Police as considered necessary.
CENTRAL WEST CYCLE TRAIL - PROPOSED DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE: Council granted approval to the Central West Cycle Trail Committee to undertake the installation of white on blue cycle trail directional signage as submitted to Council at the selected locations along the Central West Cycle Trail subject to further conditions.
REGIONAL PRECINCTS AND PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM: Councillors resolved an application for the Wellington CBD Precinct Plan be submitted for Stream 1 in the September/October 2023 round of the Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program and an application for the Dubbo North West Precinct be submitted for Stream 2 in the September/ October 2023 round of the program. A further report will be provided to Council in January 2024 with recommendations for the March/April 2024 funding round.
QUESTIONS ON NOTICE - COUNCILLOR JESS GOUGH: The current status of leash free locations in the urban areas of Dubbo and Wellington was highlighted.
UPDATE ON PROPOSED ACQUISITION FOR THE DUBBO NORTHERN BOREFIELD PROJECT: Council approved to proceed with the acquisition of approximately 50ha from Lot 2 of DP820709 and Lot 1003 on DP1201712 for the Dubbo Northern Borefield Project. Upon acquisition the land will be classified as operational land. Council will register an acquisition plan against the lots and approved the making of an application for the compulsorily acquisition to the Minister for Local Government and the Governor of NSW. All documentation in relation to this matter will remain confidential to Council.
Last Edited: 23 Oct 2023