Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) invites the community to provide feedback on the next Disability Inclusion Action Plan for the region. The 2022 – 2025 Disability Inclusion Action Plan will play a significant role in developing positive community attitudes towards people with disability. Other key objectives include creating a more liveable community for people with disability; providing equitable access to employment within Council for people with disability; and providing appropriate service information for people with disability.

Dubbo Region Mayor Stephen Lawrence said DRC is committed to an inclusive society and advocating for equal rights for all, within our communities. “People with a disability make a positive contribution to the region and it is Council’s duty to facilitate their ongoing contribution through the services and infrastructure we provide. I hope that the functions and outcomes of this plan will improve awareness of access needs within our community,” said Councillor Lawrence.

Council’s Director Liveability Skye Price said Council aims to consider inclusiveness every step of the way. “Council’s goal is to ensure that all our services, outcomes and facilities along with those activities we partner in are delivered inclusively. It is the commitment of all Council staff to execute this plan,” said Ms Price.

The draft plan was developed through feedback and consultation with communities in the Dubbo Regional Council area and review of the previous plan. 

In 2014, the NSW Parliament passed the Disability Inclusion Act, which sets out the need for the NSW Disability Inclusion Plan and the need for each government department, agency and local council to develop a Disability Inclusion Plan. The 2017-2020 Dubbo Regional Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan endeavoured to assist in the removal of barriers so that people with disability have a better opportunity to live a meaningful life and enjoy the full benefits of membership in the community within the constraints of what Council is able to provide.

The draft 2022 – 2025 Disability Inclusion Action Plan document is on display via www.dubbo.nsw.gov.au/public-exhibition/2022-2025-dubbo-regional-council-disability-inclusion-action-plan until the 13 July 2021, feedback is welcome via letter, email or on the electric form on the website.

Last Edited: 17 Jul 2023

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