Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) held its first Ordinary Meeting of Council since the new term of council, on Thursday 27 January 2022, at 5:30pm at the Council Chambers.

There were nine Notices of Motion put forward by councillors:

Regand Park Master Plan:

Councillor (Cr) Joshua Black put forward a motion for the CEO to provide a report outlining the history and current status of formal plans for the development of the Regand Park area as public open space, and advise on opportunities for the reinstatement of the Regand Park Master Plan, including proposals for private sporting field development.

The motion included that the CEO also provide an update on the progress of master planning for Macquarie River corridor.

Council also noted the importance of public awareness and consultation in relation to proposed uses of public land.

The motion was unanimously carried.

Alliances with Other Councils:

Cr Lewis Burns put forward a motion that the CEO provide a report on the potential collaboration with regional or other council’s, including any opportunities to enter formal relationships. The motion was unanimously carried.

Development of a Multicultural Park at the Elizabeth Park:

Cr Shibli Chowdhury put forward a motion that the CEO provide a report to council identifying the feasibility of incorporating a multicultural park element into Dubbo’s Elizabeth Park, or an alternative site, to recognise and celebrate the multicultural diversity of the Dubbo region.

The motion included that as part of the report the Elizabeth Park Master Plan 2011 would be considered for review and updated to reflect the works completed and what is proposed, and the mother language monument promoted the preservation and protection of all languages.

The motion was unanimously carried.

Beautification of Neighbourhood Shopping Precincts:

Cr Vicki Etheridge put forward a motion that the CEO provide a report to the February 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting regarding the progress of the Beautification of Boundary Road Neighbourhood Shopping Area.

The motion included that there be an update to the relevant council 2022 / 2023 budget development workshop detailing plans and associated costs to beautify the neighbourhood shopping strip clusters including Tamworth Street, Victoria Street and Myall Street.

The motion was unanimously carried.

Increased Policing for Wellington:

Cr Jess Gough put forward a motion that the CEO provide a report to council on potential opportunities to lobby the NSW Government to increase the policing presence at Wellington, which may include 24-hour police presence. The report should also address the current policing arrangements and identify concerns raised by the Wellington community, supported by relevant policing statistical evidence including response time and criminal activity.

The motion included that council lobby the NSW Government for greater allocation of policing resources to the Wellington community to address concerns.

The motion was unanimously carried.

Review of Committee Structure:

Cr Richard Ivey put forward a notice of motion that the CEO arrange a workshop with councillors to review the formation of committees and working parties for the remaining term of this council, including the potential establishment of a Wellington focused consultative body. The motion included that once the workshop was held, a report be presented to the next available council meeting to adopt the individual terms of reference and the implementation of those committees and working parties for this term of council.

The motion was unanimously carried.

Water Smart Messaging:

Cr Damien Mahon put forward a motion that arrangements be made for the removal of water restriction signage at the approaches to Dubbo an Wellington, and that a communications strategy be developed that addresses the need to effectively promote ‘water smart’ information to the community.

The motion was unanimously carried.

Playground Strategy:

Cr Pam Wells put forward a motion that a report be prepared to identify the current playground strategy for Dubbo Regional Council, that it include the current number, type, distribution, age and level of the facilities as well as any future playgrounds that are proposed. The motion included that any funding strategies or initiatives that can be implemented to ensure a more equitable and accessible spread of playgrounds across the LGA be addressed in the report.

The motion was unanimously carried.


Cr Matthew Wright put forward a motion that council acknowledge the significance of the continued supply of affordable residential housing to the region and the issues facing the timely supply of housing.

The motion included that the CEO provide a report to the April 2022 Ordinary Meeting of Council advising on a number of key points including the actions council is currently undertaking to address the supply of housing in Dubbo, and that staff coordinate a meeting with councillors and stakeholders such as Real Estate Institute of NSW and the Builders Group.

The motion was unanimously carried.

In addition to the Notices of Motion, there were four reports from staff including:

Council Delegates for the Local Government NSW Special Conference:

Councillors Lewis Burns, Jess Gough, Vicki Etheridge and Mayor Mathew Dickerson were unanimously elected to act as voting delegates at the upcoming Local Government NSW Special Conference 2022.

An alternative motion was carried that all available councillors attend the conference, with funds used from already budgeted members’ expenses to pay for registration, travel and subsistence.

Development Application, Boarding House, Macleay St Dubbo:

A decision was made to defer a development application for a boarding house at 47 Macleay St, Dubbo, to the February Ordinary Meeting of Council. The amendment was moved by Cr Pam Wells, and supported unanimously, to arrange a site visit and gather further information after hearing concerns from members of the public.

Special DRTCC Ticket Booking Fee:

Councillors unanimously supported the implementation of a special Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre (DRTCC) ticket booking fee of $1.00 be adopted, and included in the Fees and Charges policy for the City of Dubbo Eisteddfod session tickets priced at $10.00 or less.

Last Edited: 17 Jul 2023

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