Trade waste

Expand the sections below for business information about the safe disposal of sewerage and trade waste within the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area.
Liquid trade waste means all liquid waste other than sewage of a domestic nature.
Liquid trade waste discharges to the sewerage system include liquid wastes from:
- business/commercial premises (eg. café, motel, hotel, supermarket, restaurant, butcher, service station, supermarket, dentist, vehicle washing, laundromat)
- community/public premises (including clubs, school, college, university, hospital and nursing home)
- industrial premises
- trade activities (eg. mobile carpet cleaner)
- any commercial activities carried out at a residential premises
- saleyards, racecourses stables and kennels that are not associated with domestic households
- septic tank waste, chemical toilet waste and established sites for the discharge of pan content from mobile homes/caravans to the sewerage system.
A business operator who wants to discharge liquid trade waste to the sewerage system, under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, must obtain prior approval from Council. Discharging liquid trade waste without an approval is an offence under section 626 of the Local Government Act 1993.
Liquid trade wastes may exert much greater demands on sewerage systems than domestic sewage and, if uncontrolled, can pose serious problems to public health, worker safety, Council’s sewerage system and the environment.
Managing liquid waste is important to our future. We can all play a part to ensure that our region remains a great healthy place for everyone. We care about our local community and the environment. Below is information to assist businesses manage trade waste.
General Fact Sheet (PDF 1.2MB)
Managing Greasy waste (PDF 253.4KB)
Managing Oily waste (PDF 380KB)
Managing Other waste types (PDF 262.7KB)
Sewerage systems are generally designed to cater for waste from domestic sources that are essentially of predictable strength and quality. Council may accept trade waste into its sewerage system as a service to businesses and industry.
Liquid trade waste may place significantly greater demands on sewerage systems than domestic sewage and, if uncontrolled, can pose serious problems to public health, worker safety, Council’s sewerage system and the environment.
If you discharge trade waste, you must have our written approval in accordance with Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. If you are discharging trade waste without our approval, we may disconnect your premises from the sewerage system.
To obtain approval you will be required to submit a Trade Waste Application, along with the appropriate checklist to Council. You will need to pay a Trade Waste Application fee at this time. You can pay in person by cheque, cash or eftpos at Council’s Customer Service Centres, Dubbo Office - Corner Church & Darling Streets or Wellington Office - Corner Nanima Crescent & Warne Street.
Council’s Compliance team is available to assist you with your application.
Trade Waste Application Classification A or B (PDF 831.8KB) Classification A or B application is for most low or medium risk businesses such as coffee shops, cafes, restaurants, bakeries, schools, vehicle washing, Laundromats, veterinary and dental surgeries.
Commercial Food Preparation (PDF 282.3KB)
Mechanical Repair (PDF 162.4KB)
Laboratory (PDF 193.6KB)
Animal Wash (PDF 193.6KB)
Trade Waste Application Classification S (PDF 778.8KB)This application is for discharges of septic, dump points, chemical toilet, pan or ship to shore pump outs.
Trade Waste Application Classification C (PDF 948.3KB) Classification C application is for all trade waste dischargers who do not fall under the classification of A, B or S and are large industrial or high risk.
Council will review and assess your application within 40 days. We will contact you to discuss your application, collect additional information or arrange to meet you at your property if necessary.
We will issue an approval outlining Council’s terms and conditions.
You must not apply on behalf of someone else without their permission.
We will send copies of all written approvals to the applicant and the property owner.
You must tell us if you change the business activities on your site or if you want to cancel your permission to discharge trade waste.
A Trade Waste Approval is usually issued for a period of five (5) years. You will be notified when your renewal application is due.
Your Approval outlines the frequency your pre-treatment device must be cleaned and serviced by a licensed transporter. If you would like Council to complete a review of the service frequency, please complete and submit an application form (PDF 214.7KB), along with supporting information.
Council's Revenue Policy details trade waste fees and charges including application fees, annual and trade waste usage charges. These charges are dependent on the trade waste classification and category of the business activities carried out at the premises. The Revenue Policy can be found at Council's dedicated webpage; Integrated Planning and Reporting.
Council has adopted a Liquid Trade Waste Policy, available at A-Z Council Policies, which sets out how Council will regulate sewerage and trade waste discharged to its sewerage system in accordance with the NSW Framework for Regulation of Sewerage and Trade Waste and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment Liquid Trade Waste Management Guidelines 2021.
What is a Trade Waste Discharge Factor?
The Trade Waste Discharge Factor (TWDF) is the ratio of the volume of liquid trade waste discharge into the sewerage system to the total water consumption, expressed as a percentage.
What is the process for having the TWDF percentage reviewed?
A property owner may request a review of the TWDF percentage if they believe the percentage of trade waste going to the sewerage system differs from the current TWDF for the property.
A property owner must complete the Application for Variation of Trade Waste Discharge Factor and include adequate supporting evidence to substantiate how the customer has measured or calculated the actual volume of trade waste discharged to sewer to support a change in the factor.
To submit an Application:
Complete the Application for Variation of Trade Waste Discharge Factor (PDF 700.2KB) and submit with supporting evidence by
- Post to PO Box, 81 Dubbo NSW 2830,
- In person to Council's Customer Service Centre cnr Church & Darling Street, Dubbo or cnr Namina Crescent & Warne Street, Wellington
When will the new TWDF be adjusted on the account?
Any approved change to the Trade Waste Discharge Factor as a result of a review will commence from the next water billing cycle and be issued with the next quarterly Rates Notices, in April, July, October, and January each year. Variations cannot be performed for previous water billing periods.
Under Council’s Liquid Trade Waste Policy, the discharge of septage and septic effluent from septic tanks, chemical toilet waste and pan contents into Council’s Sewerage System is considered a discharge of liquid trade waste.
Transporters are required to apply for approval to access the Septage Receival Station for the disposal of septage and septic effluent under the Liquid Trade Waste Classification 2S. Approved trade waste transporters are required to discharge this waste at the Dubbo Septage Receival Station and pay applicable charges as outlined in Council’s Revenue Policy.
To obtain approval you will be required to lodge a Trade Waste Application/Renewal - Concurrence Classification 2S (PDF 778.8KB) form with Council. Only approved waste transporters can discharge septage at Council’s Septage Receival Station (PDF 1.7MB) on Boothenba Road, Dubbo.
Last Edited: 26 Sep 2024