Barlow and Peadon Schute Bell
Phone: 02 6885 0701, 0417 278 349 (Andrew Peadon)
Carter Lindsay and Weber
Phone: 02 68825 177
Email: contact@carterlindsayweber.com.au
Website: www.carterlindsayweber.com.au |
Christie and Hood
Phone: 02 6884 3800
Email: chdubbo@hwy.com.au
C. Olsen Agencies
Phone: 02 6882 0777
Email: olsenagencies@crt.net.au
CPS Thomas Ballhausen & Irvine
Phone: 02 6884 4688
Email: admin@cpsthomas.com.au
Elders Rural Services
Phone: 0427 854 825
Email: martin.simmons@elders.com.au |
Nutrien Livestock
Phone: 02 6841 1000
Email: kylie.henry@nutrien.com.au
Peter Milling and Company
Phone: 0428 253 162
Email: graham@petermilling.com.au
Plasto and Company
Phone: 0428 636 289 (Ross Plasto), 0429 866 118 (Aaron O'Leary)
PT Lord Dakin and Associates
Phone: 02 6882 3444
Email: office@ptlord.com.au
Website: www.ptlord.com.au
Purtle Plevey Agencies Pty Ltd
Phone: 02 6785 1704, 0428 851 704 (Patrick Purtle)
Email: livestock@purtleplevey.com.au
Website: www.purtleplevey.com.au |
Ray White Rural Dubbo
Phone: 02 6884 1910, 0427 115 577 (David Armitage)
or 0431 000 834 (Daniel Armitage)
Email: rural.dubbo.nsw@raywhite.com
Website: www.raywhiteruraldubbo.com.au
Richardson and Sinclair
Phone: 02 6882 3111 or 0428 265 513 (Scott)
Email: richsin@bigpond.com
Website: www.richardsonandsinclair.com.au