Community members are being invited to have their say on Dubbo Regional Council’s (DRC) draft 2024-2026 Water Supply and Sewerage Customer Service Plan, which is currently on public exhibition.
The customer service plan was developed following the completion of the biennial 2024 Water Supply and Sewerage Customer Survey which determined customer satisfaction in relation to Council’s water supply and sewerage customer service standards.
The biennial survey was completed by Micromex Research and saw 500 respondents surveyed about their water supply and sewerage services from across the Local Government Area.
Once adopted the customer service plan will inform customers of the services and responsibilities, they can expect from Council in accordance with the legislative framework for Local Government Water Utilities in NSW.
The plan provides a list of targets to express the levels of customer service Council aims to deliver, an explanation of the services offered for drinking water, septic waste, effluent, sewerage collection and treatment and information on a range of customer service processes including connections, metering, billing, complaints and dispute resolution.
DRC Water and Sewer Client Services Coordinator Debbie Mooney said the 2024 survey results highlighted areas of continuity and overall satisfaction of water supply and sewerage serviced compared to results that had been received in previous years.
“The survey showed our customers are satisfied with response times for reported water supply and sewerage service failures with those who had experienced a problem in the past 12 months having a higher satisfaction rate in terms of response time and workmanship than we had received in the previous survey in 2022.
“The survey also highlighted an increase to the uptake of the MyDRC Water Customer Portal app, with the majority of respondents saying they were using the portal to monitor their water usage,” Ms Mooney said.
The survey highlighted 96 per cent of respondents were at least ‘somewhat satisfied’ with Council’s delivery of the town sewerage system and 77 per cent rated their satisfaction with the quality of Councils sewerage system as medium to high.
Community members are encouraged to view the draft plan which, once adopted, will advise the community of the levels of service they can expect from Council in terms of their water and sewerage supply.
Community members can view the draft plan and provide their feedback here: https://yoursay.dubbo.nsw.gov.au/water-supply-and-sewerage-customer-service-plan .
The draft 2024-2026 Water Supply and Sewerage Customer Service Plan will be on public exhibition until 9am Monday 29 July.
Last Edited: 05 Jul 2024