The Western Plains Cultural Centre has welcomed a new exhibition featuring two of America’s most celebrated artists of the twentieth century - Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns.

The National Gallery Touring Exhibition “Rauschenberg & Johns: Significant Others” takes audiences on a journey to discover the history behind their work and why it is credited with changing the course of American art history.

“Rauschenberg and Johns deliberately moved against the grain of Abstract Expressionism, the dominant art movement of the time and this push against convention, became the focus for both their lifelong practices,” said Dubbo Regional Council Cultural Development Officer, Jessica Moore.

Alongside other Pop Artists of the 1960’s Rauschenberg and Johns helped reshape American printmaking, working with celebrated printmaker Kenneth Tyler to create ground-breaking works in lithography and screen printing as seen in this exhibition.

The exhibition showcases over 60 artworks that chart their contribution to the revival of printmaking in the United States. The exhibition brings together print and multimedia works by both artists including Rauschenberg’s Booster masterpiece and Johns’ iconic Colour numerals series.

“The work of Rauschenberg and Johns is really significant to art history, and it is an amazing opportunity for our community to come and enjoy such a high-profile exhibition.”

“The Western Plains Cultural Centre is the only regional New South Wales location for this touring exhibition of Rauschenberg & Johns: Significant Others. So be sure to see it before it moves to another state,” said Ms Moore.

Entry to the exhibition is free and the exhibition runs from the 1 June – 15 September 2024 in the gallery space at the Western Plains Cultural Centre.

The Rauschenberg & Johns: Significant Others is a National Gallery Touring Exhibition supported by Visions of Australia.

For more information about the Rauschenberg & Johns: Significant Others exhibition visit www.westernplainsculutralcentre.org.

Last Edited: 13 Jun 2024

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