Council met at 5.30pm on Tuesday 10 December 2024 in the Dubbo Regional Council Chambers for the December Ordinary Council meeting. Due to holidays and closures it was resolved earlier there would be no Standing Committees this month.
During the meeting the following outcomes were made:
Information only matters:
SMART AND COOL PLACES PROJECT: Council noted the report which outlined the research project which is has been undertaken in partnership with the University of NSW and the State Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and Maitland City Council, to understand the impacts of heat adjustment on the urban environment.
DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY: Council noted the report which shows monthly development activity and included details showing 15 single swellings and 169 other dwellings were approved in October 2024, which included the development application for seniors housing (164 units and a village club house).
QUARTERLY REPORT ON COMPLAINT STATISTICS UNDER COUNCIL'S CODE OF CONDUCT: Quarter one report was noted by Councillors which highlighted that no code of conduct complaints were received by Council between 1 September and 30 November 2024.
Notices of Motion:
SHARE THE DIGNITY: Council resolved to work with Share the Dignity to find an appropriate space to house a vending machine for the organisation and seek external funding for the $26,000 cost for the machine and supplies.
LOCAL PURCHASING POLICY: Requests the Chief Executive Officer to provide a report on the utilisation of local businesses in Council’s procurement activities. The report to include an update on Council’s current initiatives to support local businesses, a review of the definition of ‘local business’ as outlined in the Procurement Policy, including its application and any recommendations for improvement as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the nominal five percent price deduction applied to local businesses and local content in evaluating prices.
COUNCIL BUILDINGS: Councillors resolved that the CEO provide a report to Council listing all underutilised buildings and parcels of serviced commercial land owned by Council, including a detailed overview of potential or planned future use.
Reports from staff:
PROPOSED RESTRICTED TRUCK ZONE - SHERATON ROAD: Council endorsed the installation of new signage on Sheraton Road. The signage will mean trucks are prohibited on the road during ordinary school operating times from 8am to 9.30am and 2pm to 4pm. Advanced Trucks Prohibited signage on approach roads will also be installed.
RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTS UPDATE: Councillors noted the report which highlighted that there are currently 23 known renewable energy projects at various stages of development.
DRAFT DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN DCP24-001 - TIGER MOTH CIRCUIT - 38 HIGH STREET DUBBO: Councillors adopted the Tiger Moth Circuit Development Control Plan for the purpose of public exhibition. It will be placed on exhibition for 28 days before it is brought back to Council with all results of the exhibition.
AMENDMENTS TO THE RENEWABLE ENERGY BENEFIT FRAMEWORK: Council adopted the amended Renewable Energy Benefit Framework that related to changes to the Electricity Generating Works and Battery Energy Storage Systems and the funding received by Council from these projects.
DUBBO REGIONAL SPORTS COUNCIL - PLAYING FIELD IMPROVEMENT FUND: In accordance with the Financial Assistance Policy, Council awarded Dubbo Football Association $7,797 from the Sports Council Playing Field Improvement Fund as a 50 per cent contribution towards the cost of renewing the Lady Cutler East small-sided field goal posts.
2024 SISTER CITY STUDENT EXCHANGE VISIT BY DUBBO STUDENTS TO MINOKAMO: Council noted the report which provided them an update on the Student Exchange Program to Minokamo.
DETERMINATION OF ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD 21 JANUARY 2025: Council adopted to hold an Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday 21 January for the purpose of determining various tenders, development applications and associated matters.
MACQUARIE FORESHORE EVENTS PRECINCT AND OLD DUBBO GAOL HERITAGE PLAZA - ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Council adopted to submit a request to Infrastructure NSW for a scope change, transitioning the Events Precinct to a Tender-Ready Project. Council also requested to seek approval from Infrastructure NSW for a budget reallocation of the Restart NSW Grant to fund the Heritage Plaza.
LAND ACQUISITION - DUBBO REGIONAL LIVESTOCK MARKETS -LOT 1 DEPOSITED PLAN 446390: Council adopted to proceed with the compulsory acquisition of the whole of Lot 1 Deposited Plan 446390 (Property) for the purposes as detailed in the report.
PROPOSED MASTERPLAN AND LODGEMENT OF PLANNING PROPOSAL APPLICATION FOR KESWICK ESTATE: Council endorsed the proposed draft masterplan for the remaining stages of Keswick Estate, located on part of Lot 101 on DP1301426. Council also adopted to name this development Ironbark Estate,
Council noted the submissions to the Office of Local Government and the Parliament of New South Wales and endorsed the draft submission to the Local Government Remuneration.
OUTSTANDING ACTIONS FROM COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES: Councillors noted the report from the Governance Team Leader and determined the reporting be conducting on a quarterly basis.
CONTINUATION OF MEMBERSHIP OF ASSOCIATED LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONS: Council noted the report which provided a review of Council’s ongoing memberships and participating in various organisations including The Alliance of Western Councils, Regional Cities NSW, Regional Capitals Australia, Country Mayors, Local Government NSW, Regional Leaders Network and Mining and Energy Related Councils.
REQUEST FOR COUNCILLOR REPRESENTATION - DISTRICT LIAISON COMMITTEE: Council determined the two Councillor members of the District Liaison Committee will be Deputy Mayor Philip Toynton and Clr Shibli Chowdhury. The two Councillor members and the Chief Executive Officer attend the District Liaison Committee meetings as per the Service Agreement with the Rural Fire Service.
SAXA ROAD/ COMOBELLA CROSSING REPLACEMENT PROJECT - LAND ACQUISITION: Council adopted to enter into negotiations to acquire part of Lot 9 DP 754327 for the purposes as detailed in this report pursuant to s177 and s178 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW) as described in the body of this report; and in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.
TENDER FOR THE DUBBO AQUATIC LEISURE CENTRE - REFURBISHMENT AND UPGRADE OF 50 METRE POOL AND WATER SLIDE PLANT ROOM: Council adopted for That Aquatic Project Pty Ltd be awarded the tender for the Refurbishment and Upgrade of the 50 metre Pool and Water Slide Plan Room for the tendered price of $1,078,000 (incl GST) in accordance with Clause 178 (1) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.
TENDER FOR THE CLEANING OF PUBLIC AMENITIES AND BBQS: Council adopted that TechniClean Dubbo Pty Ltd be awarded the Cleaning of Open Space Public Amenities for 12 months, for $322,765 (including gst) in accordance with Clause 178 (1) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.
DUBBO REGIONAL LIVESTOCK MARKETS - ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE UPDATE: Council noted the report of the Director Organisational Performance dated the 29 November 2024 be noted and that the smooth transition to the improved status quo that the transition will be completed by 30 June 2025.
TENDER MACQUARIE EVENTS PRECINCT: Council adopted to notify Stanaway Pty Ltd T/A David Payne Constructions that their Construction Tender for the Macquarie Foreshore Events Precinct was unsuccessful, due to budget shortfall.
Last Edited: 11 Dec 2024