Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) is undertaking early consultation for the Wellington Flood Study which will provide the town with guidance on the best way to become a flood resilient community.

Engineering consultant WRM Water & Environment will undertake the work on behalf of Council to replace the previous flood study for the town, conducted by the former Wellington Council.

DRC Senior Stormwater Engineer Geoff Rotgans said a Floodplain Risk Management Committee would be created to oversee the study progress and ensure it is consistent with flood experiences within the Wellington community.

“The committee will consist of councillors, DRC staff, SES and community representatives, and we are currently calling for expressions of interest for those who wish to take part in the committee,” Mr Rotgans said.  

“We are also undertaking a mapping exercise to gather data on flooding experiences directly from the community, with residents asked to visit the YourSay page to identify where they have experienced flooding in the past.

“This provides a point of truth for flood modelling, while also ensuring the communities experiences are captured when the plan is created,” Mr Rotgans said.

This new study will develop flood models to incorporate an additional 30 years of rainfall and river level data, as well as account for safety upgrades to Burrendong Dam between 2010 and 2024.

It will also consider recent infrastructure and development in Wellington and utilise contemporary topographical data and flood modelling software.

The continual review of flood studies is a legislative requirement under the NSW Flood Policy and provides Council with an improved understanding of local flood behaviour.

Consultation for the Wellington Flood Study is now underway with a YourSay page developed to assist consultants.

Residents are encouraged to visit https://yoursay.dubbo.nsw.gov.au/wellington-flood-study-and-risk-management-plan to provide information about their flooding experiences in Wellington or to express an interest in being on the Wellington Flood Study Working Group.

Submissions are open until Monday 10 February, with all contributions to be reviewed and compiled within the study.

Last Edited: 20 Jan 2025

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