Sporting Grounds and Facilities

Sports Grounds and Facilities hero image of crowd at Apex Oval

Dubbo Locations

Apex Oval
1 x rugby league / rugby union / soccer field
International sand-based playing field (same standard as other leading stadiums in Australia)
Grandstand and spectator seating for 1340 (including disabled seating)
Sports field lighting
4 x change rooms
2 x function rooms (capacity for 12 and 80 people)
Public address system
2 x industrial kitchen/canteen with cool rooms
2 x media rooms and Wifi internet access
Managers room
Referees room
Amenities and baby change room
First Aid room
View map for location.

Apex Oval Junior Fields
3 x full sized rugby league / union fields
1 x junior field
Clubhouse (under licence agreement with the Dubbo Junior Rugby League)
Barbecue area
Sports field lighting
4 x change rooms
View map for location.

Barden Park
International standard facility
10 x lane extended front straight suitable for 110 metre hurdle events
8 lane x 400 metres synthetic track suitable for all track disciplines including steeple chase
7 x synthetic runway tracks with convertible pits for sand or mats to accommodate long jump, triple jump and pole vault events
2 x international standard throwing cages for discuss
1 x international standard throwing cage for hammer throw
4 x shot put circles
Extended synthetic ‘D’ at southern end for high jump and javelin events
Synthetic javelin runway at northern end
Extensive grassed warm-up area
Officials room with precise timing and photo finish capacity
Function space for officials/guests
Two-storey grandstand with 598 seats undercover including disabled seating access as well as additional terrace seating
Additional spectator mounts at north and sound ends for elevated viewing
Lift for access to top concourse
Public address system
Wifi internet access
Canteen/kitchen facilities
Sports lighting (200 lux)
Additional spectator mounds at north and south ends for elevated viewing
Flexible space to create accommodation for up to 35 people
Options for segregated change facilities for mixed groups or competing teams
Office space
View map for location.

Bob Dowling Oval
6 x cricket practice nets
4 x synthetic cricket pitches
4 x touch fields
View map for location.

Dubbo Aquatic Leisure Centre
1 x olympic size swimming pool (heated)
1 x leisure pool (heated)
1 x splash park (unheated)
1 x dual water slide
1 x meeting/club room with after-hours access
On-site café
View map for location.

Dubbo Regional Cycling Facility
1 x 400m flat track velodrome
1 x 1km sealed criterium track
Function room
Velodrome sports lighting
View map for location.

Elston Park
5 x synthetic tennis courts
View map for location.

2 x synthetic cricket pitches
6 x touch fields
Sports lighting
View map for location.

Jubilee Oval
4 x softball fields
3 x synthetic cricket pitches
2 x rugby league/rugby union football fields
Sports lighting
View map for location.

Hans Claven Oval
2 x soccer fields
Sports lighting on one field
View map for location.

Katrina Gibbs Oval
3 x touch football fields
Sports lighting
View map for location.

Lady Cutler Oval
4 x turf cricket pitches
6 x synthetic practice nets
4 x soccer fields
View map for location.

Lady Cutler Oval East
2 x full sized soccer fields
4 x junior soccer fields
Sports lighting
View map for location.

Lady Cutler Oval South
3 x synthetic cricket pitches
8 x junior soccer fields
View map for location.

Nita McGrath
15 x sealed netball courts
5 x turf netball courts
Sports lighting
View map for location.

Riverside Oval (Pavans)
4 x soccer fields
1 x turf cricket pitch
1 x synthetic cricket pitch
View map for location.

Pioneer Park
(All hockey booking enquiries to Dubbo Hockey Association)
1 x synthetic water based hockey playing surface
1 x grass hockey playing surface
3 x senior soccer fields
2 x synthetic cricket pitches
Sports lighting for hockey synthetic surface
Sports lighting for two northern soccer fields
View map for location.

South Dubbo Oval
4 x cricket practice net
1 x synthetic cricket pitch
1 x senior Australian Rules football field
1 x junior Australian Rules football field
Sports lighting
View map for location.

Victoria Park No. 1 Oval
1 x rugby union / rugby league / soccer field
1 x turf cricket pitch
Sports lighting
View map for location.

Victoria Park No.2 & 3 Ovals
2 x rugby union fields
2 x turf cricket wickets
Sports lighting
View map for location.

Victoria Park
Paramount Tennis Club
(All booking enquiries to Paramount Tennis Club)
12 x tennis courts
View map for location.

Wellington Locations

Bicentennial Oval, Wellington
1 x rugby union field
View map for location.

Kennard Park, Wellington
Rugby league field
Sports lighting
View map for location.

Pioneer Park, Wellington
2 x full sized soccer fields
1 x turf cricket pitch
1 x synthetic cricket pitch
Sports lighting on one soccer field
View map for location.

Rygate Park, Wellington
1 x turf cricket pitch
1 x rugby union / league field
Touch football fields
Synthetic netball counts
Basketball courts
Tennis courts
Athletics track
Cricket nets
Sports lighting
View map for location.

Teamsters Park, Wellington
Tennis courts
Croquet court
View map for location.

Wellington Aquatic Leisure Centre
1 x olympic size swimming pool (heated)
1 x programs pool (heated)
1 x baby pool (unheated)
1 x meeting room with after-hours access
On-site café
View map for location.

Village Locations

Geurie Pool
1 x 25 metre swimming pool
1 x leisure pool
View map for location.

Tom Culkin Oval, Geurie
1 x synthetic cricket pitch
Tennis courts
View map for location.


General Bookings and Venue Hire

For general bookings and venue hire please complete the booking application form below or the online booking request form:

Sporting Facilities Application Form (PDF 890.7KB)

Submission of the form does not automatically confirm your booking. A confirmation email will be sent to you dependent on availability.

Major Events

For major event activity take a look at our Event Organisers Toolbox where you'll find templates, resources and tools provided by our Events Unit to support you in planning your event in the Dubbo Region.

Please complete the Event Scoping Document to get started.

Submission of the form does not automatically confirm your booking. A confirmation email will be sent to you dependent on availability.

Wet Weather or Maintenance

For sporting grounds and facilities closures due to weather and maintenance, view the list below. For confirmation and questions, all parents and players should make contact with their Association.

Wet Weather

No sporting grounds and facilities are impacted by wet weather currently.


The following sporting grounds and facilities are closed due to maintenance:

  • Dubbo Aquatic Leisure Centre is closed for winter maintenance until reopening of season.
  • Geurie Pool is closed for winter maintenance until reopening of season.
  • Wellington Aquatic Leisure Centre is closed for winter maintenance until reopening of season.
  • John McGrath Ovals are closed due to irrigation maintenance until early October 2024.

Reports or Requests


Our online portal makes it easy to lodge a request regarding irrigation problems, garden issues, park furniture, playground equipment, amenities or litter in our parks, sporting facilities or natural areas.

Submit a report or request at our DRC&ME portal


We maintain more than 1,000 hectares of sporting fields, open space, natural area reserves and gardens. These open areas require regular mowing to keep them safe, accessible, functional and presentable, therefore our mowing is performed on a rotation program depending on location and user frequency.

If you feel the sporting ground or facility you are visiting requires mowing please submit a request through Council's DRC&ME portal.

If you would like the sporting ground or facility mowed prior to an event being held, please raise this concern at the time of venue booking. A fee may apply.

Local Sporting Clubs

Looking to build social skills and increase your health and well-being? Our webpage highlights local sporting clubs that you can join, which train and compete on our sporting grounds and facilities. View them at our dedicated webpage; Sporting Clubs.

Other Regional Open Spaces

If you're looking for more open spaces in the Dubbo Region, take a look at our Parks and Playgrounds or our Reserves.

Last Edited: 20 Aug 2024

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