Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Council will ensure its business relationships are ethical, honest, fair and consistent. Our business dealings will be transparent and open to public scrutiny wherever possible. Read more about doing business with Council, including what to expect from us and what we ask of you.


Council will ensure its business relationships are ethical, honest, fair and consistent. Our business dealings will be transparent and open to public scrutiny wherever possible.

Two main principles form the basis of our business agreements:

  • Obtain the best possible value for public money
  • Impartiality and fairness in all processes undertaken.

These principles enable suppliers to promote their interests productively and avoid potentially questionable activity. Those providing goods and services also benefit from the assurance that their competitors are required to behave in accordance with the same guidelines.


Our staff are bound by the Code of Conduct. They are accountable for their actions and are expected to:

  • Respect and follow Council policies and procedures
  • Treat all tenderers for the supply of goods and services equitably
  • Promote fair and open competition while seeking best value for money
  • Protect confidential information
  • Meet or exceed public interest and accountability standards
  • Avoid situations where private interest could conflict with public duty
  • Never solicit or accept remuneration, gifts or other benefits from a supplier for the discharge of official duties
  • Respond promptly to reasonable requests for advice and information. 


We require all providers of goods and services to:

  • Respect the conditions set out in documents supplied by us
  • Respect the obligation of our staff to abide by Council’s procurement policy
  • Abstain from collusive practices
  • Prevent unauthorised release of privileged information, including confidential Council information
  • Refrain from offering Council employees or Councillors any financial or other inducement which may give any impression of unfair advantage
  • There is to be no unsolicited contact by tenderers with Councillors, staff and/or delegates of the Council regarding their submitted tender until such time that the tender has been determined. 

By complying with this Statement of Business Ethics (PDF 1MB) you will be able to advance your business objectives and interests with the Council fairly and ethically.

You should also be aware of the consequences of not complying with the Council’s ethical requirements. Demonstrated corrupt or unethical conduct could lead to termination of contracts and loss of future work.


If you have any questions about this statement or wish to provide information about suspected corrupt or unethical conduct, please contact the Manager Corporate Governance on (02) 6801 4000.

Employees and contractors reporting corrupt conduct, maladministration or serious waste of public funds are protected by the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994. The Act protects public officials disclosing corruption-related matters from reprisal or detrimental action and ensures disclosures are dealt with properly.

Last Edited: 13 Mar 2025

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