Understanding the Application Process
Understanding the DA process
Pre-lodgement advice
Before you prepare and lodge an application, we encourage you to discuss it with one of Council's Duty Planners to obtain general advice. This is a free service, available via phone on (02) 6801 4000 or in person at our Customer Experience Centres between 1 pm to 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday.

Formal pre-LODGEMENT meeting
Detailed written advice can be obtained through a formal pre-lodgement meeting. These meetings are reserved for significant proposals, including multi-dwelling developments, subdivisions of more than 10 lots, commercial developments, industrial developments, and all temporary events requiring development consent; or proposals with complex planning considerations.
A formal meeting is intended to give consideration to the feasibility of your proposal and provide information in relation to the assessment process. The principal objective is to identify and resolve constraints related to your project before submitting your application. The meeting is for discussion and clarification only and isn't intended to preempt a final decision in relation to a DA.
Although pre-lodgement meetings are not mandatory, consultation early in the process may prevent delays in processing of your application.
To book a pre-lodgement meeting
- In the first instance, discuss your proposal with Council’s Duty Planner in order to obtain clarification as to whether the proposal qualifies for the pre-lodgement service.
- In the event Council's Duty Planner confirms that a pre-lodgement meeting should be held, please complete this form.
- Submit your completed form and supporting documentation via email to: planning.officer@dubbo.nsw.gov.au
Step 1: Obtain all required documents
Supporting documentation is required when lodging an application. View the Matrix - Other Development or Matrix - Minor Residential Development, to make sure you have everything you need. In addition to the documents specified in the Matrix, you will need to:
Step 2: Obtain an application fee quote
There are fees associated with the lodgement of an application. If you require a breakdown of fees prior to lodging your application, email Dubbo Regional Council at online.applications@dubbo.nsw.gov.au. Please ensure this quote is included as part of your application lodgement.
Application fees are detailed in Council's Fees & Charges at Integrated Planning and Reporting
Step 3: Lodge your application electronically
You must prepare and submit your application on the NSW Planning Portal. Firstly, you will be required to create an account and login, below is information on how to do this:
- Register for a NSW Planning Portal account to start your application
- Login to your NSW Planning Portal account to complete the online application.
If you require assistance creating an account, information is available on the NSW Planning Portal under Applicant Resources > Registering for the NSW Planning Portal.
Once your account has been created you can submit your application, if you require assistance to submit your application, information is available on the NSW Planning Portal - Application Resources - Submitting a Development Application Online.
Other applications also available to be submitted via the NSW Planning Portal are as follows:
- Construction Certificate
- Complying Development Certificate
- Appointment of Principal Certifier
- Subdivision Certificates
- Subdivision Works Certificate
- Occupation Certificate
- Section 68 Application
How-to guides are available on the NSW Planning Portal - Application Resources - on how to submit these applications if you need assistance, just click on the heading and a drop down menu will appear to open the required step-by-step guide.
If your application is incomplete, you will receive details on what is required via the NSW Planning Portal. You will be required to submit the requested further information via the NSW Planning Portal. How to action/complete the further information, as a guide, is available on the NSW Planning Portal - Responding to Additional Information Requests.
Once your application is complete and accepted for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal, you will receive a Council invoice via Further Information for your payment. Your application will not be considered as lodged until the application fees have been paid in full.
In most instances, Council will be the consent authority for the Development Application. In certain circumstances, we may only undertake the assessment process and a Regional Panel or another Government Agency will act as the consent authority.
- Once submitted, your application will be allocated to an assessment officer.
- You will receive a letter advising who will be the assessing officer. This letter will be available to view under the document tab on the portal.
- Your application may be placed on public exhibition. If so, the assessment officer will carefully consider all matters raised during the exhibition period.
You may be requested to provide additional information during the assessment process.
Applications are assessed in accordance with Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Following the complete and proper consideration of your application, a determination will be made.
If permission is granted for your project, you'll obtain a Development Consent. Your development consent will outline conditions that must be addressed prior, during and upon completion of construction or prior to use commencing. However, this consent is not an exhaustive list of all obligations which may relate to the carrying out of the development under the EP&A Act, EP&A Regulation and other legislation. Some of these additional obligations are set out in the Conditions of development consent: advisory notes (PDF 199.6KB). The consent should be read together with the Conditions of development consent: advisory notes to ensure the development is carried out lawfully. You may also have to obtain a number of other certificates or approvals.
If the assessment officer is not in a position to support your proposal, Development Consent will not be granted. If this occurs, the assessment officer will then contact or meet with you to discuss issues and explain Council's position.
You can track the status of any application we are assessing, whether you are the applicant or not.
Applications can be tracked on the Application Tracker using the map, or by entering the application number, address, lot and DP number or date lodged.
Applications can also be tracked via the NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Application Tracking Service by browsing the map or by selecting ‘Dubbo Regional Council’ from the drop-down menu.
Note: The 'due dates' shown in the 'tracking' are indicative only.
Last Edited: 26 Sep 2024