Student Exchange Program - Student Application
Terms and Conditions for Student Application 2025
1. The minimum age for students to participate in the exchange program is 15 years of age (students must be 15 at the time of departure) and all applicants must attend a High School in the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area.
2. The 2025 Student Exchange is reciprocal, and DRC would prefer that participating students and their families home stay a Minokamo student when they visit Dubbo in late July or early August 2025. Inability to host a family may be considered as part of the application process. Please advise Sister City Officer if you need to discuss this before applying.
3. The total cost of the visit (including return airfares, internal transfers, travel insurance, most meals, side trip to Tokyo and Tokyo Disneyland for Minokamo Exchange) will be around $4,857 (cost based on 2024). Dubbo Regional Council subsidies the cost by $1,000 per student, so the cost to you will be around $3,857.This is an estimated quote only and may vary at the time of booking.
4. All other personal costs are to be borne by students. An approximate budget of $25 per day is recommended to cover daily incidental spending. Additional funds will be required for students for some meals, tips and to make purchases of gifts, clothing etc.
5. Students will be billeted with families in Minokamo. Home staying with a local family is a unique cultural experience not available to tourists and assists in keeping the cost of the exchange visits very affordable.
6. The duration of the exchanges is 12 to 14 days in the September/October School holidays - 28 September to 11 October 2025.
7. Two adult Chaperones experienced in accompanying teenage students on overnight excursions and in overseas travel will accompany the students to and from Dubbo, and our sister cities provide a guide/interpreter during the groups stay in their cities. A guide will accompany the group during side trips in Tokyo.
8. Selection of successful students will involve an interview of the student and their parent/s and/or guardian/s - this is a very worthwhile experience for students and could be their first formal interview - we do try to put the students at ease in the interview.
9. Students will be selected based on the responses given in the online application and interview process. The program seeks to support students who show an interest in civic participation, an interest in learning more about our sister cities and becoming a global citizen. Students will be representing the region and maturity and responsibility are strong criteria for success in applications.
10. Exchange students will be required to attend four cultural training and language sessions to prepare for the visit. They will also prepare a report to present to Dubbo Regional Council and the Sister City Advisory Panel following the sister city exchange trip.
11. Student will be expected to hold or to have a valid Australian Passport within FOUR weeks of notification that their application has been successful.
Application close 9am Monday 28 April 2025.
For further information, please contact the Sister City Officer: Daisy Wang on 02 6801 4403 or email:
Last Edited: 24 Feb 2025