A-Z Recycling

Expand the sections below to view domestic items and how they can recycled or disposed of in the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area.
Due to changes in the Resource Recovery space, these may be prone to change at any time.
Is there something you would like added to the list? Email wasteeducation@dubbo.nsw.gov.au
Acids & Alkalis
Dispose of at Chemical Clean Out Day.
For more information view the EPA website.
Aerosol Cans
Kitchen, bathroom or laundry aerosol cans recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin. Other cans containing butane, paint and other accelerants recycle via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Air Conditioners
Recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
A refrigerant removal (degassing) fee will apply.
Aluminium Cans
Recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin.
Some cans are able to be recycled through the Return and Earn program.
Aluminium Foil
Clean foil squashed to the minimum size of a tennis ball, recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin.
Please note that some 'foil like' products such as chip packs and medicine blister packs contain plastic and/or other mixed materials and cannot go into your yellow lid recycle bin. They must be disposed of into your red lid landfill bin.
Ammonia Based Cleaners
Dispose of at Chemical Clean Out Day.
For more information view the EPA website.
Contact your local Police Station.
Animal Carcasses (large)
Horses, cows and other large animals are only accepted by pre-arrangement at Whylandra Recycling and Waste Depot for disposal. Contact Council to arrange a disposal, fees apply.
Asbestos is accepted for disposal at Whylandra Recycling and Waste Depots by pre-arrangement only.
Fees and conditions apply. For more information:
- Call Waste Services on 02 6801 4900 during business hours (Monday to Friday)
- All bookings must be arranged 24 hours before the intended disposal time
Baking Paper
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
This type of paper has a heat-resistant, non-stick coating and is not recyclable or compostable.
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Please find alternatives as this is a single-use item and is extremely hazardous to animals.
YouTube has some great videos on how to make bunting!
Barbecues (BBQs)
If all metal, recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Fees may apply if BBQ contains timber/plastic.
Batteries (car)
Recycle via:
Never place any batteries into either kerbside bin as they are a potential fire hazard in the collection truck and facilities.
Batteries (household)
Recycle via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
They can also be recycled via:
Never place batteries into either kerbside bin as they are a potential fire hazard in the collection truck and facilities.
Batteries (mobile phone)
Recycle via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots. Visit Mobile Muster for participating drop off locations.
Never place batteries into either kerbside bin as they are a potential fire hazard in the collection truck and facilities. Mobile phone batteries tend to ignite and burn if they are placed under pressure and are one of the primary causes of fire in materials recycling facilities.
Bean Bag Foam Balls
Foam (polystyrene) balls and pellets dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Take your bicycle to Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Alternatively they can be recycled for their metal for free.
Binding & Strapping
Commonly used around cardboard delivery boxes.
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Consider reuse via:
- OP-shops
- Local community libraries
- Hospital waiting room swap libraries
- Street libraries
Paperbacks and hardcover books recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin.
Please be aware kerbside bins have a weight limit.
Clean cardboard recycle via your yellow-lid bin or Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Remove masking/packing tape where possible.
Please note: Waxed cardboard boxes used for fruit and vegetables cannot be recycled and are to be disposed of into your red lid landfill bin.
Bubble Wrap
Consider re-use options or dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Building Waste
Should not be put in any kerbside bin. Building waste is accepted for recycling or disposal at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots, fees apply.
Aluminium and steel cans (food and beverage only) recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin. Metal paint cans recycle via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Dispose of via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots, fees apply.
Call Council's Waste Services on 02 6801 4900 for more information.
Clean cardboard recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin or Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Remove masking tape where possible.
Please note: Waxed cardboard boxes used for fruit and vegetables cannot be recycled and are to be disposed of into your red lid landfill bin.
Cardboard (tube cans)
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Tube cans that have a cardboard exterior but a metal interior or base (e.g. Pringles cans and some spice containers) are considered a "composite material" and are not recyclable in your yellow lid recycle bin.
Currently cannot be recycled. Please dispose of at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots, fees apply.
Contact local auto wreckers or scrap metal merchants in your area.
Alternatively, some tow truck businesses may be able to pick up your car and; depending on the market for scrap at the time; provide a small payment.
Cat & Kitty Litter
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Cannot be recycled in your yellow lid recycle bin. Consider reuse or recycle via Officeworks or alternatively dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Consider re-use options or dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Dispose of at Chemical Clean Out Day.
Chemical Collection dates for 2024 have not yet been set.
For more information view the EPA website.
Christmas Decorations
Baubles, tinsel, bon-bons and other Christmas decorations cannot be recycled.
Consider reuse and donate to an Op-shop.
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Learn more easy ways to reduce your Christmas waste at our webpage, Waste Wise at Home.
Christmas Lights
These are electronic waste. Recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots for free e-waste recycling.
Never place into either kerbside bin as they become an environmental hazard.
Christmas Trees
Natural Christmas trees are garden waste and can be cut up and put into the green lid FOGO bin.
Find out more on disposing your garden waste, Food and Garden Organic waste.
Plastic Christmas trees cannot be recycled. Dispose of at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots, fees apply.
Christmas Wrapping
Store and reuse wrapping paper, gift bags, ribbons and other trimmings for future use where possible.
Paper wrapping paper can be recycled via your yellow lid recycle bin.
Cellophane wrapping, dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Unwanted clothing of good quality (would you pass it on to a friend?) can be donated to Op-shops. Clothing not suitable for donations can be recycled via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots for free.
Exhausted all reuse options? Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Coat Hangers (metal)
Cannot be recycled in your yellow-lid bin as they interfere and get caught in the machinery at the sorting facility. Metal coat hangers can be recycled as scrap metal at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Coat Hangers (plastic)
If in good condition consider donating to an Op-shop.
Broken plastic coat hangers dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Coffee Cups (takeaway)
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Find out more why they cannot be recycled, All you need to know about Take-away Coffee Cups
Computers are electronic waste (e-waste).
Recycle via:
Never place e-waste into kerbside bins as it is a fire risk and becomes an environmental hazard.
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Cosmetics such as lipsticks, eyeshadows, compacts and perfume bottles are either too small or are made of composite materials, therefore they cannot be recycled via your yellow lid recycle bin. Alternatives such as product stewardship is available at some retailers.
Blooms and Priceline pharmacies may accept cosmetic packaging for recycling.
If it's in good condition donate to an Op-shop.
Broken crockery dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Dental Floss
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Roll-on deodorants (both glass or plastic packaging) dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Pump-pack style deodorants and steel can deodorants can be recycled via your yellow lid recycle bin (remove lids and dispose of lid in your red lid landfill bin).
If they're in good condition consider selling on marketplace. Alternatively dispose of at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots, fees apply.
Consider reuse and take to Op-shops.
Recycle via Officeworks.
Alternatively dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Electronic Waste (e-waste)
Electronic waste is anything that runs off a power cord or a battery.
Common E-waste includes:
- Computers: monitors, devices, keyboards, scanners, calculators and other office electrical equipment
- Phones: mobile, portable and house phones
- Entertainment equipment: TVs, radios, CD players, stereos, video cameras, game consoles
- Household appliances: kettles, toasters, food processors, lamps, torches, hairdryers
Recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots. Officeworks will accept some types of e-waste.
Never place e-waste into either kerbside bin as it is a fire risk and becomes an environmental hazard.
Envelopes (with or without plastic windows)
Recycle via your yellow-lid bin.
Other postage satchels cannot be recycled in the yellow-lid bin and must be disposed of into your red lid landfill bin.
Face Masks
Cut the ear loops and dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Farm Chemicals
Disposed of through the Chem Clear Program.
Fire Extinguishers
Recycle via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Never place fire extinguishers into either kerbside bin as they are a potential hazard in the collection truck and facilities.
Foam (other)
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Never place foam in your yellow-lid bin.
Foam (polystyrene or styrofoam)
Clean polystyrene commonly used in electronic goods packaging (white sheets, white boxes NOT pellets or bean bag balls) can be recycled via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Never place polystyrene into your yellow-lid bin.
Heavily soiled polystyrene or other foam types dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Food/Yoghurt Squeeze Pouch
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Food Waste
Dispose of food waste via your green lid FOGO bin, home compost or worm farm.
Find out what goes into FOGO here: FOGO A-Z. What goes in.
Find out more about what we do with organic waste, watch this video about the DROPP, Food Organic and Garden Organic - FOGO service
Fridge / Freezers
Recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
A refrigerant removal (degassing) fee will apply.
Fuels & Flammable Liquids
Dispose of at Chemical Clean Out Day.
For more information view the EPA website.
Consider reuse by donating to Op-shops.
Furniture in poor condition please dispose of at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots, fees apply.
You can find out about council’s bulky waste collection via Bulky Waste.
Garden (green) Waste
Dispose of your garden waste via your green lid FOGO bin.
Find out more on disposing your garden waste: FOGO - What goes in.
Gas Bottles
Recycle via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Never place gas bottles into either kerbside bin as they are a potential fire and explosion hazard in the collection truck and facilities.
Glass (bottles and jars)
Glass bottles and jars that originally contained food, beverage, or vitamins, that you would typically buy at the supermarket.
- Recycle glass container via your yellow lid recycle bin
- Remove larger metal lids
- Place lid and glass container separately into your yellow lid recycle bin
- Remove bottle tops and plastic lids and dispose of these into your red lid landfill bin
- Recycle for free via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots
Glass (other)
Other glass, is any glass that is not a food or beverage container (that you would typically buy at the supermarket) including:
- Mirrors
- Drinkware
- Windowpanes
- Crockery
If it's in good condition donate to an Op-shop.
Alternatively, dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Glasses (eyewear)
Donate undamaged glasses to Specsavers.
Broken glasses dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Hoses (any type)
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Household Cleaners
Dispose of at Chemical Clean Out Day.
For more information view the EPA website.
Ink Cartridges
Find your nearest ink cartridge recycling location.
Juice Cartons (tetra pak and UHT)
If Tetra-Pak is the type that is lined with foil, usually the flat top type, it must be disposed in the red lid landfill bin. We encourage residents to look for alternatives to these problematic waste types.
If Tetra- Pak is not foil lined, usually the gable top type, recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin.
Kitchen Appliances
Consider reuse options where possible.
Kitchen appliances that have a power cord are considered electronic waste and can be recycled via Council’s Recycling and Waste Depots.
Lawn Mowers
If in good working condition explore selling or donating. Or take to Council’s Recycling and Waste Depots for scrap metal recycling.
Lids (metal)
Metal bottle tops (wine and beer bottles) dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Lids (plastic)
Plastic bottle tops:
- Dispose of small plastic lids into your red lid landfill bin
- Or, crush plastic container, and replace lid and recycle both via the yellow lid recycle bin
Larger plastic lids, that are the same plastic as its container (ice-cream and margarine container lids) can be recycled via the yellow lid recycle bin.
Pump-pack style lids (deodorants, laundry sprays, hand wash) remove from container and place lid in your red lid landfill bin. Place container into your yellow lid recycle bin.
Lids for Kids is a community led enterprise that accepts some types of plastic lids for recycling.
Light Bulbs & Fluorescent (Fluro) Tubes
Recycle via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Never place into either kerbside bin as they become an environmental hazard.
Linoleum (Lino) & Vinyl Floor Coverings
This must be disposed of at Whylandra Waste and Recycling Facility, as it is construction waste. Fees apply.
Warning: Asbestos may be found in this type of flooring.
For more information view our webpage; Asbestos Awareness.
Recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin.
Marine Flares
The NSW Government organise special collection events.
Never place flares into either kerbside bin as they are a potential fire hazard in the collection truck and facilities.
Mattresses and Bases
Please dispose of at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots, fees apply. You can also dispose of during Bulky Waste.
Please note: If purchasing a new bed/mattress from a retailer, please enquire if they will take your old one at no charge.
Meat Trays
Polystyrene (foam) meat trays, dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Hard Plastic meat trays:
Not all plastic meat trays are the same, as manufacturers use different processes in the production of the trays, resulting in not all being recyclable
The Australasian Recycling Label is gradually introducing their labeling system on meat trays. Please refer to this symbol as to what bin to put your tray into. If no symbol is available, please dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Most pharmacies in the Dubbo Region will accept these as part of a Federal Government initiative for the safe disposal of unwanted medicines.
For more information visit: Returning Unwanted Medicines.
Metal (scrap)
All metal can be recycled via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots from the large (garage doors) to the small (nuts and bolts).
Never place scrap metal into your yellow-lid kerbside bin as it can be hazardous at the recycling facility for both staff and machinery.
Milk Containers
Recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin.
Consider reuse by donating to Op-shops.
Broken mirrors, dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are e-Waste and can be recycled via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots. Council also provides CRC small drop off cabinets for mobile phones.
Officeworks will accept mobile phones for recycling, as will some Op-shops and grocery stores.
Never place mobile phones into either kerbside bin as they contain substances hazardous to the environment. Mobile phone batteries tend to ignite and burn if they are placed under pressure and are one of the primary causes of fire in materials recycling facilities and collection trucks.
Motor Bikes
Contact local auto wreckers or scrap metal merchants in your area.
Alternatively, some tow truck businesses may be able to pick up your motor bike and depending on the market for scrap at the time, provide a small payment.
Nappies (disposable)
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Needles (medical syringes)
For disposal visit NSW Health Needle and Syringe Disposal.
Never place syringes into either of your household kerbside bins.
Oils (motor)
Recycle household quantities of motor oil (< 20 litres) via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots. Empty motor oil containers can be left at Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at no charge.
Never place motor oil into either kerbside bin as it becomes an environmental hazard.
Oils (other)
Recycle household quantities (< 20 litres) via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Never place oil into either kerbside bin as it becomes an environmental hazard.
Paint & Paint Tins
Recycle household quantities of paint (< 20 litres) via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Never place paint into either kerbside bin as it becomes an environmental hazard.
Most paper can be recycled via your yellow lid recycle bin which includes:
- Newspapers
- Office paper
- Brochures
- Catalogues
Other paper that can go into your home compost or dispose of into your red lid landfill bin includes:
- Soft tissue-like or absorbent paper (paper towels and napkins)
- Paper soiled with food
- Shredded paper
Used facial tissues go into the red lid landfill bin.
Pens & Markers
Can be recycled via Officeworks.
Alternatively dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Personal Hygiene Products
These include:
- Facial tissues
- Face masks (please cut the ear loops first)
- Feminine hygiene products
- Nappies
- Band aids
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Photographic paper is not recyclable, photographs must be disposed of in the red lid landfill bin.
Photovoltaic Equipment
Capturing solar energy requires efficient and up to date equipment, when your PV equipment has reached its end of life you can bring it to Whylandra Waste and Recycling Facility and have it recycled. There is a small fee attached, which is less than the fee to put it into landfill. Find out more at our media release: Solar panel and equipment recycling
You may be able to rehome your piano locally or via Piano Rescue.
Pill Packets (blister pack)
These cannot be recycled in the yellow-lid recycling bin.
They may be accepted for recycling at some pharmacies. Please check with your local pharmacy. Alternatively, a private company called Terracycle may also accept them for recycling.
Otherwise, please dispose of in your red lid landfill bin.
Pillows, Doonas and Sleeping Bags
These items cannot be recycled and can be disposed of at any of council's Recycling and Waste Depots. Animal shelters will often accept these items for re-use in reasonable condition. Contact Dubbo Regional Council animal shelter on (02) 6801 4640.
Pizza Boxes
Only cardboard pizza boxes that are relatively clean and free from stuck on food can be recycled via your yellow lid recycle bin.
If box is dirty and contaminated with pizza topping, it is best to dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Plant Pots (plastic)
These cannot be recycled in the yellow-lid bin so consider reuse where possible.
Some nurseries accept plant pots for reuse – check with your local nursery.
Alternatively dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Plastic (other)
Other plastics, are all plastics that are not covered in the plastic packaging categories below.
Only plastics covered in the hard plastic category below can be recycled via your yellow lid bin.
Consider reuse when you can.
- Toys
- Kitchenware
- Garden pots
- Decorative items
There are some specialised recycling options offered by private companies. Visit the Planet Ark website for more information.
Plastic Packaging (hard plastic bottles & containers)
Hard plastic bottles include:
- Water
- Shampoo
- Detergent
- Beverages
- Sauce
Hard plastic containers include:
- Biscuit trays
- Fruit punnets
- Takeaway
Empty all contents and rinse with used dishwater.
Recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin.
Plastic Packaging (soft)
Soft plastic includes:
- Shopping bags
- Chip packets
- Cling wrap
- Bread bags
- Cereal box liners
- Pasta bags
- Frozen food bags
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Never place soft plastic in your yellow lid bin.
Plastic Packaging (tubes)
Plastic tube packaging includes:
- Toothpaste
- Sunscreen
- Cosmetics
- Plus some food items such as herbs and avocado
This type of plastic cannot be recycled via your yellow lid bin.
Please dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Pool Chemicals
Dispose of at Chemical Clean Out Day.
For more information view the EPA website.
Power Cords
Power cords are electronic waste (e-waste). Recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Never place e-waste into either kerbside bin as it becomes an environmental hazard.
Printer Cartridges
Recycle your printer cartridges.
Find your nearest ink cartridge recycling location or Council CRC small drop off cabinets.
No items are listed under the letter Q.
Radios are classified as electronic waste (e-waste) and can be recycled via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Please remove the batteries which can also be recycled at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Never place e-waste into either kerbside bin as it is a fire risk and becomes an environmental hazard.
Razors (disposable)
Recycle for free with Terracycle, or recycle at Blooms pharmacies.
You can otherwise dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Sales Dockets and Receipts
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Sheets, Towels & Blankets
Enquire with animal shelters or vets if they will accept donations. Sheets, towels and blankets can be recycled via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots for free.
If they're in good condition donate to an Op-shop.
Shoes not suitable for donations can be recycled via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots for free.
Shredded Paper
Check for reuse options at:
- Local pet shops
- Veterinarians
- Use in your home compost
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Silage Wrap
Smoke Detectors
Recycle via the Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Never place smoke detectors into kerbside bins as they are a potential fire hazard in the collection truck and facilities.
Solar Panels
Solar Panels can be recycled at Whylandra Waste & Recycling Facility, there is a fee per panel which is cheaper than putting them into landfill and better for the environment.
Straws (plastic & paper)
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Sunscreen comes in a range of packaging:
- Plastic tubes - Dispose of into the red lid landfill bin.
- Pump packs - remove lid and dispose of lid into the red lid landfill bin then place hard plastic container into your yellow lid recycle bin.
- Tin cans / aerosol cans - Place into the yellow lid recycle bin.
Syringes (medical)
For disposal view NSW Health disposal advice: Needle and Syringe Disposal.
Never place syringes into your household kerbside bins.
Takeaway Food Containers
- Hard plastic containers: rinse with used dishwater first and recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin.
- Cardboard containers (if relatively clean): recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin.
- Cardboard containers (if heavily contaminated with food): place into your compost or dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
- Takeaway cutlery: dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Good quality clothing can be donated to Op-shops.
Clothing that can't be donated, plus towels, blankets and many other textiles and fabrics can be recycled via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots for free.
Tiles (Ceramic)
If in good condition explore market place or charity donation options. Broken tiles are considered building waste and are to be disposed of at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots. Fees apply.
Only branches less than 10cm diameter are considered garden (green) waste.
All other timber including treated timber, logs and fence palings are general waste and are to be disposed of at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots. Fees apply.
Tinnys (small boats)
Recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Can be recycled through Oral Care stewardship program hosted by Dubbo Dental or electric toothbrushes recycled through Terracycle for free.
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Toothpaste Tubes
Toothpaste and all other plastic tubes, dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Please ensure registration plates are removed.
Consider re-use options where possible.
If unable to re-purpose, please dispose in your red lid landfill bin.
Dispose of at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots for recycling. Fees apply.
USB Drives & Sticks
These are e-waste. Recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots. They can also be recycled via Officeworks.
Video Cassettes
Consider reuse options where possible.
If unable to re-purpose, please dispose in your red lid landfill bin.
Common garden weeds are treated as garden waste and can be placed in your green lid FOGO bin, be composted, added to worm farms or bokashi bins.
Find out more on disposing your garden waste: FOGO – What goes in?
Learn how to effectively manage priority weeds in your garden at our webpage; Biosecurity.
Wetsuits can be recycled via Rip Curl's Take Back Recycling Program.
Or be taken to Whylandra Waste & Recycling Facility to be recycled free of charge.
Recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Some whitegoods such as fridges and air conditioners will incur a refrigerant removal (degassing) fee.
Window Frames
If they're in good condition advertise in marketplace. Alternatively dispose of at Council's Recycling and Waste Depots.
Wine Cask & Bladder
Bladder (foil or clear).
Dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
These can be recycled via CMA Ecocycle Australia. No fees apply, phone 1300 32 62 92 for more information.
Do not place in the yellow lid recycle bin.
Yoghurt Container
Recycle via your yellow lid recycle bin.
Zip Lock Bags
Consider reuse options or alternatively dispose of into your red lid landfill bin.
Last Edited: 28 Aug 2024