Councillors met at 5.30pm on 25 July 2024 for the Dubbo Regional Council Ordinary Council meeting.

During the meeting the following outcomes were made:


- Report of the Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee meeting on 11 July.

- Report of the Cultural and Committee meeting on 11 July.

- Report of the Corporate Service Services Committee meeting of 11 July.

- Report of the Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets Advisory Committee on 9 July.

Councillors adopted the minutes from the above meeting except for the following items:

AUSTRALIA DAY CEREMONIES FOR JANUARY 2025: Councillors determined the Australia Day ceremony in Wellington would be held at 6.30pm on Saturday 25 January in Cameron Park. They also determined the Dubbo ceremony would be held on Sunday 26 January at 8am in Victoria Park. An expression of interest will be called for residents who wish to be on the Australia Day committees in either Dubbo or Wellington with the ceremonies to be managed by Council’s events team and the committees.

LIVESTOCK MARKETS YARD FEES: Councillors adopted the structural change for the per animal charges for the DRLM. Cattle charges will be $16 (including GST) structured as yard dues $12.80 and agent fees $3.20 while sheep charges will be $2 (including GST) structured as yard dues $1.60 and agent fees $0.40.


DEVELOPING A PUBLIC TOILET POLICY STRATEGY: A motion calling for a Public Toilet Policy/Strategy was lost.

REPORTING ON COUNCILLOR EXPENSES: A motion calling for a monthly report detailing Councillor expenses was lost.


RIVER STREET WEST – PROPOSED REGISTRATION OF ROAD CORRIDOR: Seven parts of Council-owned properties will be dedicated to road reserve with the CEO to negotiate, finalise and execute other documentation required to finalise the lodgement with the NSW Land Registry Service.

DRAFT PLANNING AGREEMENT – MARYVALE SOLAR FARM: Council adopted to enter into a draft planning agreement with Gentari Pty Ltd for the Maryvale Solar Farm in accordance with the 1.5 per cent outlined in the Renewable Energy Benefit Framework. A further report will be presented to Council for consideration, detailing outcomes of negotiations including the terms of the draft Planning Agreement and allocation of funding.

NAMING OF THOROUGHFARES ASSOCIATED WITH DAISY HILL ESTATE MASTER PLAN - EULOMOGO ROAD DUBBO: The road names proposed, being Flannel Flower Drive, Desert Star Drive, Splendid Loop, Silverton Road, Shasta Drive, Koonamore Road, Livingston Road, Minnie Entrance, Paper Daisy Drive, Variable Road, Cutleaf Road and Coneflower Road were approved as per the road layout plan. That the proposed road names be notified on Council’s website and Government Authorities in accordance with Section 162 of the Road Act 1993 and Section 7 of the Roads Regulation 2018.

BELGRAVIA LEISURE - AQUATIC LEISURE CENTRE 2024/2025 POOL FEES AND CHARGES: Councillors noted the average increase across the fee structure is 9 per cent. This is in line with Council’s current fees and charges. It was also noted by Councillors that the proposed fee structure responds to increased industry costs and brings it in line with industry competition benchmarks. Councillors approved the proposed Fees and Charges for Admission and Other Fees 2024/2025 associated with the Aquatic Leisure Centres.

NEW CROWN LEASE FOR WELLINGTON COMMUNITY CHILDREN'S CENTRE: The draft lease between Dubbo Regional Council and Wellington Community Children’s Centre was endorsed at a cost of $1 per annum for a term of 21 years. In line with other comparable leases, Wellington Community Children’s Centre Incorporated is to reimburse Council for the cost of annual building insurance premium.

REQUEST FOR INTEREST FREE LOAN - MACQUARIE HOME STAY: Macquarie Home Stay Limited will be provided $100,000 interest free to support acquisition of an interim office build at 1 Tony McGrane Place. The payment is pending Development Consent for the temporary administration building and the $100,000 is to be paid back over a five-year period with a minimum annual payment to Council of $20,000.

AUTHORITY TO ISSUE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NOTICE - LOT 8 ON DP1203400 TO BE VESTED IN DUBBO REGIONAL COUNCIL AS DRAINAGE RESERVE: Councillors approved the publication of a notice in the Government Gazette to vest Lot 8 on DP1203400 in Council’s ownership, pursuant to s50 of the Local Government Act 1993.

QUESTIONS ON NOTICE - HOUSING OF PETS ON URBAN BLOCKS: Clr Gough asked what the regulatory limits on the housing of pet animals are, such as dogs and cats on an individual residential property in the urban areas of the Dubbo Regional Local Government Area.

New South Wales has no legislation empowering Council’s to place regulatory limits on the number of pet animals such as cats and dogs (referred to as Companion Animals) on an individual urban residential property. This differs to some other states, such as Queensland, who have legislation in place restricting people to two dogs and 3 cats on a residential property.


TROY GULLY SEWAGE PUMP STATION - PROPOSED VARIATION TO CONTRACT T22-002: The increased scope of works for the construction of the upgrade works for Troy Gully Pump Station was noted and will be awarded to SNG Engineering Pty Ltd for $9,079,272.29 (incl GST). The funds will be transferred from the Sewer Fund restricted assets and allocated to the project.

DRAFT PLANNING AGREEMENT - KERRS CREEK WIND FARM: Council noted the current status and discussions with the developer of the Kerrs Creek Wind Farm in relation to the Planning Agreement, with a draft agreement to be prepared in accordance with the terms identified in option 1 of the report. A further report will be presented to Council for consideration in terms of the draft Planning Agreement and allocation of funding.

WIRADJURI TOURISM CENTRE - ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES: That the contract for the professional services as the principal project architect for the Wiradjuri Tourism Facility be awarded to Peter Stutchbury Architects Pty Ltd for $1,829,449.12 (including GST). The contract will be awarded when the Growing Regions Program Funding Deed for the Wiradjuri Tourism Facility is executed.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - AIRCRAFT REFUELLING SERVICES AT DUBBO REGIONAL AIRPORT: Council declined to accept the EOI submissions and will enter into negotiations with select tenderers for fuel service arrangements in line with the preferred option as outlined in the report.

WRITE OFF OF UNRECOVERABLE DEBT: Council approved the writing off of Rates and Charges totalling $7,600.97 in accordance with Section 719 of the Local Government Act 1993 and Section 131 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.

TENDER FOR THE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM: The contract for the leadership development program will be awarded to Bendelta Pty Ltd for $592,622 (including GST), with the CEO to approve the extension options for this contract if required and approve contract variations for this contract within the allocated budgets.

PEOPLE CULTURE AND SAFETY QUARTERLY METRICS REPORT: The information contained within the report was noted. 

Last Edited: 26 Jul 2024

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