Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) met on Thursday 23 May 2024 at 5.30pm in the Dubbo Council Chambers for the May Ordinary Council Meeting.

At the start of the meeting a presentation was made to Mr John Fardell who was acknowledged for his 50 years of Service to Dubbo Regional Council. Note: A media release and photos will be sent out today (Friday).

During the meeting the following outcomes were made:


Reports of the below committees were adopted by Councillors:

  • Report of the Infrastructure Planning and Environment Committee – Meeting 9 May 2024
  • Report of the Culture and Community Committee - Meeting 9 May 2024
  • Report of the Corporate Services Committee - Meeting 9 May 2024
  • Report of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee - Meeting 6 May 2024
  • Report of the Financial Performance Committee - Meeting 14 May 2024
  • Report of the Floodplain Management Committee - Meeting 16 May 2024

Councillors adopted the minutes from the above meeting except for the following items:

DRAFT PLANNING AGREEMENT – DUBBO FIRMING POWER STATION:Councillors adopted a draft Planning Agreement to be prepared in accordance with the terms identified in the report. A further report will be presented to Council for consideration if a Planning Agreement cannot be successfully negotiated. A draft Planning Agreement will be placed on public exhibition and following the conclusion of the public exhibition period, a further report will be presented to Council for consideration, including any submissions received.

CONCEPT OF DUBBO INDOOR AQUATIC CENTRE: Councillors adopted that as part of the draft budget process, an amount of $30,000 will be allocated to fund the review of the 2017 indoor aquatic centre concept, referred to as figure 1 in the report. The CEO will investigate options to reduce the construction costs of the concept and report back with estimated annual operating cost as well as investigate the costs associated with enclosing the existing 50m pool.


SUBMISSION OF MOTION TO THE NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Council supported and endorsed the motion to submit a motion calling for consistency in planning agreements for renewable energy projects.
WIRADJURI CULTURAL TOURISM CENTRE - FUNDING OUTCOME GROWING REGIONS PROGRAM ROUND 1: Council accepted the grant of $7,190,505 from Round 1 of the Growing Regions Program for the construction of the Wiradjuri Cultural Tourism Centre in accordance with the conditions associated with the funds.


LETTERS TO OWNERS WELLINGTON BASED SOLAR FARMS: Council resolved for the CEO to write to the owners of the Suntop Solar Farm, Wellington Solar Farm and Wellington North Solar Farm to explain Council’s policy position in respect of community benefits from renewable energy projects. The letters will note the proponents of the Wellington Solar Farm and Suntop Solar Farms were not previously required to provide community benefits and as a result Council request each proponent enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement with Council in accordance with the requirements of Council’s now adopted Renewable Energy Benefits Framework. Council believes any agreements negotiated in accordance with the framework would be seen by the community as an act of goodwill by the project owners, and thereby increase the acceptance of the shift to renewable energy in the region.



MARCH 2024 QUARTERLY BUDGET REVIEW STATEMENT: Council adopted the quarterly budget review statements as of 31 March 2024 and noted Council is in a satisfactory financial position in regard to the changes outlined.

NAMING OF A PRIVATE THOROUGHFARE ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR MULTI-DWELLING HOUSING (22 UNITS) AND COMMUNITY TITLE SUBDIVISION: Council approved the proposed private road name, Magenta Circuit. The name will be notified to Government Authorities and advertised in the local newspaper. Once it has been approved under the Road Regulation 208 and the name has been gazetted, the owner will be advised.

DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY UPDATE - INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE: Council discussed the update to the delegation of authority, Councillors determined that no delegation would be granted, and it will remain with the Council meeting.

COUNCILLOR AND MAYORAL FEES - 2024/2025: Councillors determined the annual fee payable to Councillors for the financial year starting 1 July 1024 will be $27,050 and the mayor will receive an additional fee of $66,800. This equates to an increase of 3.7 per cent increase on last year’s fees.

EXECUTION OF THE SECTION 88B INSTRUMENT TO IMPLEMENT THE RELEASE OF A REDUNDANT 'EASEMENT FOR WATER SUPPLY’: Council release the easement for Water Supply as outlined in the report, as it is now redundant and the water main previously installed as been exhumed and removed.

2024 COMMUNITY INSIGHTS SURVEY RESULTS: Council noted the statistically valid 2024 Community Insights phone survey report and acknowledged the findings of this survey and noted the online opt-in survey will be presented to the June 2024 Corporate Service Committee meeting. A community Insights check-in survey will be undertaken in March 2025.

QUESTION ON NOTICE - MEETING WITH STEVEN ROSEWELL - 7 JUNE 2022: Questions around a meeting with Steven Rosewell in 2022 were answered.

QUESTION ON NOTICE - REQUEST FOR LEGAL COSTS: Details on the amount spent in this term of council around defamatory statements against Council officials or Council was provided as well as details around the two occasions.



154 TALBRAGAR STREET, DUBBO - EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI): Council voted to decline all the EOI submissions for 154 Talbragar Street with Council to advise all EOI applicants that their submissions have been declined and thank them for their submissions. Furthermore, a strategic planning for the site will be undertaken to make sure it meets the needs of community and Council.

PROPOSED AGREEMENT TO LEASE COUNCIL-OWNED OPERATIONAL LAND: Council agreed to enter into an agreement to lease 10 Ha of land at the Keswick Estate to Squadron Energy or an associated entity on the key terms as included in the report and the Heads of Agreement document as included in Appendix 1. Council will delegate to the CEO the power to negotiate an agreement to lease land in accordance with the document and report. It was noted that Squadron Energy or an associated entity will be required to provide infrastructure on the land, including water, sewer, stormwater and electricity infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of Council to service any development undertaken on the land.

Last Edited: 24 May 2024

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