Dubbo Regional Council proposes to allocate $1.48M as part of the draft 2024/2025 budget for the renewal of recreational and sporting facilities in the Dubbo Region.

Council is responsible for 118 parks, 36 sporting areas and 84 land care services across 1,433 hectares.

“Our recreational and sporting facilities are central to communities and provide opportunities for social connection as well as health and well-being benefits for people of all ages,” Dubbo Regional Council Mayor Mathew Dickerson said.

Council is proposing the renewal and replacement of several recreational structures including $125,000 for the renewal of Lions Park West Playground and $60,000 for the construction of the Riverbank Park North Fitness Centre behind Riverdale at the start of the new shared pathway.

Elston Park Water Park in Dubbo is proposed to be renewed as part of Council’s asset renewal program. The total cost of this renewal is estimated at $650,000 with $250,000 identified in the 2024/2025 budget for the design and decommission of the current structure. A further $400,000 has been identified in the 2025/2026 budget for works to be carried out across the winter months.

“Elston Park Water Park and the Lions Park West Playground are marked on our asset renewal program for upgrading. Both playgrounds are aged and nearing their end of life. The Elston Park Water Park is a well-used facility, and the renewal will be beneficial for the community.” 

“Parks and playgrounds in the region offer so many benefits to children and parents alike. It’s an opportunity for social connection, physical activity, and outdoor play,” Clr Dickerson said.

Following the Ordinary Council Meeting in April, Council is also seeking community feedback as part of the draft budget public exhibition period about the current public toilet facilities at Cameron Park in Wellington.

The community are invited to make a submission within the draft budget process about the Cameron Park facilities by selecting one of four options:

  1. Maintain the status quo of the current toilet provisions in Cameron Park at no additional cost
  2. Installation of a three-toilet facility at the original location at $181,000 ex GST
  3. Installation of a four-toilet facility at the original location at $202,000 ex GST
  4. Reconfiguration of the existing amenity facility at $60,000 ex GST

“If the community wishes to proceed with the installation of additional amenities at Cameron Park, funding will need to come from an alternate project. This would mean funding would be taken from another project proposed in the next 12 months to be able to facilitate the additional toilets,” Clr Dickerson said.

Have your say about the proposed renewal program for recreation structures and sporting facilities as part of the draft 2024/20204 budget and operational plan. Submissions are now invited online at until 9am, Monday 3 June 2024.

Last Edited: 13 May 2024

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