Mayoral Memo - 17 July 2024

In the realm of public service, there’s a timeless adage: if you want to avoid controversy, the easiest way to do that is to say nothing, do nothing, be nothing. Yet, here in Dubbo, our Councillors and dedicated staff are not interested in doing nothing. Our collective vision is to advance our Council, our city and our region. This necessitates making decisions and taking actions, which invariably leads to controversy and criticism from those with differing opinions. And in our wonderful free democracy, that is perfectly fine.

One of the hallmarks of our current Council is the robust process we have in place for decision-making through our standing committee meetings. These committees typically meet a fortnight before the full Council meeting, and while they do not have the authority to make final resolutions - only recommendations - they serve a crucial purpose. This system allows the community additional time to understand the intended direction of Council and provide direct feedback before any final decisions are made.

At our most recent committee meetings, a significant recommendation was put forth, which will be considered at the Council meeting on 25 July. This recommendation pertains to Australia Day celebrations, and it is vital to clarify that it does not involve changing the day or the date of Australia Day. I can’t stress this point enough. The unified recognition of Australia Day on 26 January dates back to 1946 when the states and territories agreed to recognise Australia Day on the same day. Further, 26 January was unified as a public holiday across the nation in 1994. Council neither has the power nor the desire to alter this date.

On 16 December 2022, the Hon Andrew Giles MP announced a change to the Australian Citizenship Ceremonies Code, allowing ceremonies to be held up to three days either side of 26 January. In light of this decision, our Standing Committee has recommended that for the Australia Day events in 2025, when 26 January falls on a Sunday, we hold the Dubbo ceremony as a twilight event at 6:30 pm on Saturday, 25 January, and the Wellington event at 6:30 pm on Friday, 24 January, kicking off the long weekend.

This recommendation will be formally determined on 25 July. As always, your opinions are invaluable to us. Please reach out to your Councillors via phone, e-mail, or text to share your thoughts on this matter.

While I completely understand that progress can sometimes be contentious, it is through change and progress, including community engagement and feedback, that we continue to grow and thrive as a community. Councillors embrace the challenges and the debates because they are a testament to our commitment to making the Dubbo Regional Council LGA a better place for everyone. Thank you for your ongoing support and active participation in shaping our future.

Councillor Mathew Dickerson
Mayor of Dubbo Regional Council

Last Edited: 16 Jul 2024

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