Grants and Funding Overview

Dubbo Regional Council provides assistance to community groups, not-for-profit organisations and events in the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area (LGA) through a number of funding channels. We also promote external funding opportunities that may be of interest to our residents.
Council's Financial Assistance Policy was adopted on 21 September 2022, you can read the policy at our dedicated webpage; A-Z Council Policies
Community Venue Hire Program
This program is eligible for application for the 2024/2025 financial year.
Our Community Venue Hire Program supports not-for-profit organisations by defraying costs associated with hire of Council venues, whereby the purpose of the venue hire aligns to actions in our Community Strategic Plan.
All applicants are required to apply using the Community Venue Hire Program Application Form (PDF 598.7KB).
Corporate Sponsorship Program
This program is eligible for application for the 2024/2025 financial year.
Our Corporate Sponsorship Program is available for programs, projects or activities that align to actions in our Community Strategic Plan.
All applicants are required to apply at least six (6) weeks prior to commencement of the program, project or activity using the Corporate Sponsorship Program Application Form (PDF 402.1KB) once they have read and understood the Corporate Sponsorship Program Guidelines (PDF 212.5KB). The Corporate Sponsorship Program doesn’t currently have allocated funds, therefore anyone interested in applying is encouraged to contact Council first to enquire about the funding opportunities. Sponsorship will not be granted retrospectively as recipients will need to demonstrate benefits returned to us, based on our benefit matrix available in our guidelines.
Successful applicants are required to submit the relevant acquittal form below within 60 days of conclusion.
Sponsorship Acquittal Form – less than $5,000 (PDF 235.9KB)
Sponsorship Acquittal Form – more than $5,000 (PDF 437.4KB)
Bodangora Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund

This funding stream is currently closed.
We administer funding through the Bodangora Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund to not-for-profit community organisations, to support projects that deliver social, economic or environmental outcomes to local communities of Wellington and village districts forming part of the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area.
All applicants are required to apply online via Smarty Grants once they have read and understood the Bodangora Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Guidelines (PDF 994.7KB). No paper applications, or applications via email or fax will be accepted. Eligible groups can apply for up to $20,000 and only one application per organisation will be accepted.
The Bodangora Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund has been created from Development Contributions arising from the Planning Agreement between Council, Iberdrola Australia and Bodangora Wind Farm Pty Ltd.
Community Services Fund

This funding stream is currently closed.
Our Community Services Fund provides community organisations with financial support for services that deliver social or environmental outcomes to the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area to help create, enhance or build community well-being and amenity.
Review our community’s vision and aspirations for the future of our region in the Community Strategic Plan.
All applicants are required to apply online via SmartyGrants once they have read and understood the Community Services Fund Guidelines (PDF 965.2KB). No paper applications, or applications via email or fax will be accepted. Only one application per organisation per financial year.
This Fund relates to the requirements of Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993; whereby Council may contribute money or otherwise grant financial assistance to persons for the purpose of exercising its functions. Funding is determined by Council annually and allocated as part of the Organisation’s annual budget.
Event Assistance Program

These funding streams closed 31 July 2024.
Events play an important role in our Region, providing a diverse range of vibrant experiences and delivering social, cultural and economic benefits to the local community. Dubbo Regional Council is committed to supporting the development, growth and sustainability of local events through the two streams that form the Event Assistance Program.
Our Community Events Fund supports locally organised events that deliver social and cultural benefits, creating social connections and improving the liveability and well-being of our residents.
All applicants are required to apply online via SmartyGrants once they have read and understood the Event Assistance Program Guidelines (PDF 868.4KB). No paper applications, or applications via email or fax will be accepted. Eligible groups can apply for up to $3,000 in a round, to help meet the following costs:
• assist with hire charges of Council venues or any other Council fee or charge associated with the event;
• event marketing (activity to build awareness of the event with aim to drive attendance)
• engagement of artists, performers, musicians or other creative workers
• event production (e.g. audio hire) and event infrastructure (e.g. staging)
Eligible applicants can apply in either of the two rounds, however Round 2 will only open subject to availability of funding not being exhausted in Round 1. Successful applicants must hold their event prior to 30 June 2025. For tips on ensuring your acquittal meets necessary standards, see our Acquittal Fact Sheet (PDF 180.1KB).
The following events were successful under the 2024/2025 Community Events Fund: Under Western Skies Festival; Dubbo Multicultural Event; Man from Ironbark Festival; Holi Festival of Colours; Teej Festival; Orana K9 Training Club Obedience Trial; Carols by Candlelight; Geurie Lions Christmas Carols.
Our Destination Events Fund supports events that help elevate the Dubbo Region as a destination for events and assist in driving tourism and delivering significant economic benefits.
All applicants are required to apply online via SmartyGrants once they have read and understood the Event Assistance Program Guidelines (PDF 868.4KB). No paper applications, or applications via email or fax will be accepted. Eligible groups can apply for up to $10,000 to help meet the following costs:
• assist with hire charges of Council venues or any other Council fee or charge associated with the event;
• event marketing (activity to build awareness of the event with aim to drive attendance)
• engagement of artists, performers, musicians or other creative workers
• event production (e.g. audio hire) and event infrastructure (e.g. staging)
Successful applicants must hold their event between 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025. For tips on ensuring your acquittal meets necessary standards, see our Acquittal Fact Sheet (PDF 180.1KB).
The following events were successful under the 2025 Destination Events Fund: Dubbo Eisteddfod; Dubbo Stampede; Dubbo MotorFest; Stock Route Music Festival; Wellington Boot; Dubbo Whisky Winter Festival; Cross Cultural Carnival.
Local Heritage Assistance Fund
This funding stream is currently closed.
We administer funding through the Local Heritage Fund to assist with heritage conservation works, for owners of properties listed as a heritage item in the Dubbo Regional Local Environmental Plan 2022. Eligible works to heritage-listed properties includes repair, maintenance and reinstatement of missing elements. Examples of suitable projects could include work on the structure of the building, verandahs, roofing, wall cladding, fences, decorative detail, painting and stormwater drainage.
All applicants are required to apply using the Local Heritage Fund Application Form once they have read and understood the Standard Conditions. Eligible applicants are required to match any grant funding with an equivalent dollar amount of their own money, we will consider labour and/or materials provided by the applicant as part of that matching funding as an in-kind contribution.
Typical grants are in the range of $2,000 or less, subject to availability of funds and the nature of work proposed, with funding allocated to projects that are most appropriate or most achievable due to funding limitations.
The Local Heritage Fund has been created by Dubbo Regional Council with the aid of a grant from the NSW Heritage Office.
SPARC Support Grant Program

The 2024/25 Round 2 will open 10 March 2025.
The SPARC Support Grant Program has been established to support the deliverables of the SPARC Cultural Plan and will allow us to evaluate the success of applicants against the outcomes they intended to achieve. Applications will be assessed based on how the project or program directly supports the actions within this Plan.
All applicants are required to apply online via Smarty Grants once they have read and understood the SPARC Support Grant Program Guidelines (PDF 344.3KB) and reviewed the SPARC Cultural Plan. No paper applications, or applications via email or fax will be accepted. Eligible groups can apply for up to $10,000 in a round.
Applications from community groups, organisations and individuals can be submitted in two rounds. Each round of funding will have a total financial allocation of $10,000.
The Shaping Plans to Advance Regional Culture (SPARC) Cultural Plan details the priorities for Council’s development for arts and culture in the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area. Developed to be a living document, it serves to define the key priorities and actions that collectively will provide our strategic direction. The plan will helps determine Council’s role in developing regional culture and positions the organisation to meet the cultural needs of the region.
Funding opportunities listed on this platform will have differing requirements and deadlines.
We promote ClubGRANTS webpage for our local community, as it makes finding government grant opportunities easy to find.
Grants within the Central-West Orana REZ
Funding opportunities listed on this platform will have differing requirements and deadlines.
We promote the Grants within the Central-West Orana REZ webpage for our local community, as it makes finding government grant opportunities easy to find.
Indigenous Grants and Funding
Funding opportunities listed on this platform will have differing requirements and deadlines.
We promote the Indigenous Grants webpage for our local community, as it makes finding grant and funding opportunities for First Nations Australians easy to find.
NSW Government Grants and Funding
Funding opportunities listed on this platform will have differing requirements and deadlines.
We promote the NSW Government Grants and Funding webpage for our local community, as it makes finding government grant opportunities easy to find.
RDA Orana Grants Hub
Funding opportunities listed on this platform will have differing requirements and deadlines.
We promote the RDA Orana Grants Hub for our local community, as it makes finding grant opportunities easy to find.
Registering to the Grants Hub means you will never miss a grant opportunity again, with the ability to receive email alerts for new grants, save your favourites and receive up to date information to assist you in applying for the grants.
The RDA Orana Grants Hub is owned by Regional Development Australia – Orana, who have partnered with GrantGuru to provide this free grant finding tool for local businesses, community groups and not-for-profit organisations.
Last Edited: 07 Mar 2025